MB2 Raceway recently announced a ticket sales agreement with the leading retail chain Costco Wholesale. The deal sees Costco Wholesale distributing through seven Los Angeles regional stores. The agreement offers Costco members MB2 Raceway gift cards allocated for sale in clamshell-style packaging and showcased on the large-scale shipping pallets.
MB2 Raceway is quickly becoming the "it" spot for A-listers seeking an adrenaline rush.
What's New............ Retail
What's Fabulous..... Service
Whats Fresh........... Food
Jerri Manthey, pictured here, was a contestant on both "Survivor: The Australian Outback" and the "All-Star Survivor" series and is an avid supporter of Santa Clarita's favorite new physical training program, The Survivor Challenge.
Tresses Salon owners, Debbie and Beth, are proud to celebrate four successful years in the SCV. They attribute the salon's flourishing business to their talented, professional staff and large, dedicated clientele.
To some, the economic environment may suggest a "wait and see" approach. However, this implies a missed opportunity. With continued market volatility, how does one make up the loss in the portfolio?
La Via Bella, a Santa Clarita mainstay for elegant home decor, gifts, accessories and more, has launched an online retail presence positioned to rival the best on the world wide web.
What's New.................Retail
What's Fabulous........Service
What's Fresh...............Food
Q| I'm starting a new business in a bad economy. I know I should take all methods of payment, but I'm afraid of the fees and commitments required when it comes to processing credit cards. What's the most cost-effective solution, and what are the startup fees?
What's New............ Retail
What's Fabulous..... Service
Whats Fresh........... Food
Jennifer Serraino and her stylish staff celebrated her eponymous retail store's five-year anniversary on Thursday, March 19. Santa Clarita's most fashionable women were on hand to try on the latest trends and dine on delicious hors d'oeuvres, desserts and drinks.
When the going gets tough, the tough go to the pros. Here's your guide to Santa Clarita's best lawyers, insurance agents, financial consultants and more who can guide you through uncertain times.
Bridgeport Marketplace was designed with the community in mind. With a walking trail, lake and expansive seating and gathering areas, Bridgeport Marketplace is the place to go, not only for shopping and dining, but for socializing and celebrating. Connect with loved ones and meet new friends at Bridgeport Marketplace.
Lexus' most popular vehicle, the RX crossover, has enjoyed a total update for 2010. The transformation began with an ergonomically advanced interior, developed by studying how drivers move, feel and react. This, in turn, led to even more innovations such as the all-new available Heads-up Display that helps you see navigation directions, speed and audio information right on the windshield so they're in your line of sight.
Most folks equate paint to a cosmetic accessory, but it also serves as a protective barrier between your home and the elements. Chipping or flaking exterior paint - especially on wood trim - exposes you to water damage and rot farther down the line.
Two days after President Obama's inaugural address, I found myself on the phone with an orthodontist. Instead of chatting, though, about my concerns over 2-year-old William's thumb sucking (is he destined for a life in braces?), we talked "America."
Dr. Alan Barbakow, a much-loved SCV orthodontist, had been pondering the president's message of unity. "How can we become one?," he asked me, in a way that implied both the rhetorical and pragmatic weight of the thought.
Goddess Fitness Owner Emma Ridley-Tyler and staff joined together on Saturday, December 12 to celebrate the grand opening of their new and improved location at 26635 Valley Center Drive. Facility tours and a new schedule of classes are available;
Consider Switching to Tax-Deferred Investment Vehicles
If you own mutual funds in a non-qualified account, you will owe taxes on gains from any trades made by the mutual fund manager - even though you may have a net loss on your account for the year.
Wallers' GymJam Academy student Kailey Hansen of Ventura has signed an NCAA National Letter of Intent to attend University of Washington on a full athlete scholarship for gymnastics. Hansen is a Level 10 State Floor Champion and placed second on floor at the 2008 Regional Championships.
Focus on Retirement
Retirement takes priority. Though college is certainly an important goal and funding your child's college fund is desirable, you should probably focus on your retirement if you have limited funds. With generous corporate pensions mostly a thing of the past, the burden is primarily on you to fund your retirement.