Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita was hand selected by a national insurance provider to service dozens of customers affected by Hurricane Laura.
This month, why don't you share your love with the community?
"It's heartbreaking," says Joel Moss, as he ends a call with another SCV resident whose home was damaged by smoke during the Tick Fire. "Once the neighborhood repopulated, most people thought that they'd just open the doors and things would be like normal," says the co-owner of Paul Davis Restoration of Santa Clarita. "For a lot, it's not."
With 36 percent of all Americans using ride-share services like Uber and Lyft, and a whopping 51 percent of Americans 18 to 29 doing the same, ride-share liability has become an essential conversation in legal circles.
Would you let your pharmacist perform an emergency appendectomy?
Probably not - even though surgeons and pharmacists have similar starts to their medical education.
Fourth of July, Fire Safety and Summer Fun!
Sleep, sweetheart - sleep. A mom's reflection.
Great tips for welcoming your newest bundle.
The very best for Baby - and Mom!
The old adages, "Happy wife, happy life" and "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" seem quaint - until there's a frustrated pregnant woman, struggling mom with a newborn or even an experienced (And still exhausted!) mother in the house. Then they make all the sense in the world! Taking care of Mom means that she's better able to take care of the ones she loves the most. Here are three ways that moms, new and otherwise, can take care through some of the most stressful - and rewarding - times of their lives.
The Inside SCV Magazine family is growing - meet this sweetie!
The very best for your baby blessings.
Destress and Refocus with this Free Art Program
Opportunities to Serve, Encourage and Discover
Add a fieldtrip and some professional learning to your 2025 goals!
The Great Books & a Classical Education
Time to usher in the season with fun and learning.
Knowing that student's return on investment is far greater than can be measured, this university strives to keep costs as low as possible.
Art creates common ground where we can learn to connect with each other through shared interests - and right now it feels like art is all we need. For kids, an arts education is especially important.
A girl's gotta ride a lot of horses, or - in this case - board enough of them to know what she wants in a facility.
You won't want to miss this "Alice" inspired tea party!
Summer's the perfect time for a family vacation, but what do you do when your four-footed family member isn't welcome at the hotel, camp site or a relative's house? You'll need to decide whether or not Fido will be hanging out at home or boarded while you're gone.
I am an early riser. I guess I've always liked to get up before the crack of dawn, brew a pot of coffee, let the dogs out and read the morning news all in the peace and quiet of a home and neighborhood still fast asleep.
I may be small, but I like my kisses super-sized. Just like Clark Gable, I'm a gentleman. Sure, I'm only 2 or 3 years old, but I have lots of experience being a good boy on walks and while playing - indoors and out. Folks say that my eyes are my best feature - wouldn't you like to stare into them? I may be your Puppy Soul Mate!
This year, Paint-It-Forward fans are asked to nominate people near and dear to all our hearts - local educators.
To our Valentine, with Love
This Month, Why don't You... find a new charity to donate to this holiday season.
Get a head start on holiday gifting and fun in this month's edition
Epic celebrations, seasonal tips and more!
An Epic World Celebration comes to Valencia Town Center this September!
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