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Legacy is full STEAM ahead - plus, get to know SCVi on their 10th anniversary.
It's time to enroll for the next school year!
Round the corner through Legacy Christian Academy's main corridor and you'll quickly find yourself in uncharted territory: the Kindergarten-through-eighth-grade school's new Discovery Hall, home to Legacy's recently-completed Innovation and Science Labs.
Can you help SCVi students build a tiny house for a local vet?
It's getting very STEAM-y at Legacy Christian Academy, but that has nothing to do with the late-season heat spells the SCV has experienced as of late. But this "STEAM" is hot, too - because if you want to secure a career in this highly-competitive global 21st-century economy, chances are that you'll need a firm grip on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM).
CSUN now offers two convenient ways to complete your Master of Social Work degree - affordably and faster than you thought possible... including options like online courses and courses offered locally at College of the Canyons.
SCVi Charter School in Castaic is building a tiny house for a veteran! Want to help them buy supplies? Click here to learn how you can be part of their good deed!
New SCV education options abound for your family.
"SCV's Best" & Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Prepares Students for the 21st Century
Have you considered earning your Master of Social Work degree - but don't know how to fit classes, tests, field study and more into your already-busy schedule?
The newest STEM addition at Legacy, five reasons to tour SCVi & more!
What you need to know before Fall semester begins!
What admins and teachers do during their own "summer school."
Education innovation is a mainstay for these SCV-based communities.
STEM is growing in the SCV - learn new developments on a favorite campus.
Developing a new skill is a summer pastime; here's three options to connect your kiddos to new ways of interacting with the world around them.
It might only be spring, but planning for summer starts now! Help your kiddos battle boredom while learning new skills and meeting new friends. (Plus, buy yourself some "alone" or work time in the process!)
Why STEM education is so essential for the careers of the 21st century.
What your child needs to succeed.
How to prepare students to lead and succeed in our ever-changing world.
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