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Less than thrilled for bathing suit season? Here's how to get ready.
Love for your perfectly imperfect body.
The help you need to keep your New Year's goals going.
Your fitness plan for success in 2017 and beyond.
Don't wait for the New Year to start working on the new you!
More than half of 2016 has gone by - and I'm not doing too well on the New Year's Resolution front.
Sure, I exercised more this year (One run in 2016 is better than none in 2015!), but that's about it. "Spend more time with family; make time for 'me'; learn a new sport; schedule date nights; and get fit" are still on the to-do list. As I was lamenting about my failures to a friend, her hubby interrupted with this: "Sounds like someone needs a membership to The Paseo Club."
Introducing the GX6 Functional Speed Trainer - and a challenge perfect for any age.
The Paseo Club's outdoor classes will get you in the best shape of your life!
School's in - and free time's out. Here's how to prioritize your health and wellness without dropping the ball on your cornucopia of obligations.
"Back to school" means more time for "me" in the gym.
The best questions to ask to feel fit and fabulous.
Your healthiest "you" is only a class away!
How do you get a "beach body?" Simple: Put your body on the beach! But if you're the type (And aren't most of us?) whom would feel better about that whole bathing-suit thing by tightening up a tad first, read on!
Smart and festive ways to battle the holiday bulge.
Find your favorite new way to feel the burn for your best body ever.
Get fit as a family with real lifestyle modifications that make a difference!
Have you already begun counting down the final hours we have left to pick up our long list of gifts...
Stop the cycle of "gaining" during the holidays - here's how to "weigh down."
Everything you needed to know about Pilates reformers.
"I started dancing at Encore in December when it first opened. One day I was jogging down McBean and I saw an ad for Encore at one of the bus stops. I took a mental note of the advertisement and decided to look into it. I was intrigued by the phrase 'dance fitness.' I have always enjoyed dance but am far from a 'dancer.' I'm also really into fitness but was at a point in my life where I had put on 15 pounds in one year due to stress and overeating, even though I exercised regularly."
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