Gummy Bear Breast Implants are Sweet!
New Innovation Provides more Natural Contour & Incredible Customization
August, 2015 - Issue #130
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock
If you've been considering breast implants but have been on the fence for fear that your augmentation would leave you looking more "beach ball" than "bathing beauty," you owe it to yourself to learn more about the newest implant technology.

"Gummy Bears," as they're commonly called, are the newest innovation in augmentation. These natural-looking silicone implants are exceptional, in part, because even if you cut them in half, they maintain their shape. These implants "don't leak in ways previously seen," says Dr. Justin Heller, board-certified plastic surgeon and owner of Heller Plastic Surgery in Valencia.

"Distinctive to the 'Gummy Bear' implants are the shapes available and the ability to create a more natural contour by controlling the way volume is added," says the doctor. "Older implants were circles and 'one size fits all.' The Gummy Bear implants sit on the chest wall to provide a beautiful natural slope. Plus, they're available in literally hundreds of different sizes, so every shape can be ideally accommodated," says Dr. Heller.

"For women who've delayed breast augmentation because they were worried that the result would look 'fake,' this new product will be all the persuasion they need. Women are now able to have the naturally-voluptuous-looking breasts they've dreamed of," says the surgeon.

Many of Dr. Heller's patients are opting for "Gummy Bears" paired with his innovative technique of an "internal lift." Most women don't need a major lift, which is associated with much more scarring and recovery time. "I lift internally, allowing the breast to rise up without additional external scars," he explains.
Heller Plastic Surgery is located in the Atrium Building next to City Hall in Valencia. The comfortable, well-appointed office is now accepting patients and scheduling complimentary consultations. 661-233-4949

Breast Augmentation Q&A
I really want to have my breasts done, but I can't miss a lot of work. How long is recovery time?
When it comes to a breast augmentation surgery, most women will walk out of the treatment area on her own and may even feel up to going out to dinner that night. Many patients schedule their surgeries on a Friday and are back to work on Monday. As long as your job doesn't require heavy lifting, you can return to work almost immediately.

I'm a new mom, which is awesome, but my breasts are now saggy and deflated - which is not so awesome. How long after having a baby should I wait before scheduling an augmentation?
The timing is less about the calendar and more about where you're at when it comes to your weight and nursing status. You'll want to wait until you're entirely done breastfeeding so that you can really evaluate your breast deflation and be near a stable goal weight. Most mothers will want a breast lift, which may require an implant to replace lost volume.

I've always wanted breast augmentation but I am very thin and have a small frame. I am afraid that implants will look ridiculous on me. Are there such a thing as "tiny" implants?
You're going to love Gummy Bear implants for this very reason. There are hundreds of different sizes and shapes to choose from, so we can select the ones that are perfect for your body type. What's also fantastic about these implants is the ability to situate them on the chest wall so that they have a gorgeous, more-natural slope. On a body type like yours, that's particularly important in order to avoid the one-size-fits-all "fake" look.

Dr. Heller's Education and Experiences
American Board of Plastic Surgery Board Certification
MOHS Fellowship
University of California Irvine Orthopaedic Hand & Microsurgery Fellowship
University of Texas Southwestern Plastic Surgery Residency with specialization in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
UCLA Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Craniofacial Research Fellowship
Yale University School of Medicine
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