May, 2019 - Issue #176
After 30 years of success in Santa Clarita real estate, I get asked a lot: "What's the key to your success?" The truth is, there's no magic bullet for real estate. The best results come from a mix of experience, tenacity, attention to detail, a deep desire to do the best by your client, the cultivation of relationships and a passion for people. Still, in 30 years, you learn a few things that, when consistently repeated, become a part of you... and part of your business.
Here's 30 that have shaped who I am as a realtor - and person.

1.Be nice to everyone. The secretary today can be the CEO tomorrow.

2.Don't just go the "extra mile," go the extra marathon. Make "wowing" people a lifelong habit.

3.Follow up - and quick. The competition will if you don't.

4.When people are trusting their future to you, have all the patience in the world. What might just be paperwork to you is their child's legacy to them. Answer that fifth call of the day with a smile.

5.Answer the phone whenever you can so no one takes it personally when you use the "silent" button when you need to.

6.Listen way more than you talk. Take notes. Ask questions. Everyone deserves to be heard.

7.Read everything one more time before you hit "send" or sign.

8.Treat people like they matter - because they do. Tell them so they don't have to guess.

9.Do the big things first - nothing ever got easier by delaying it.

10.Remember people's names, their kids' names, their dogs' names. Let people know that you sincerely care about what they care about.
11.Fall in love with what you do every day.

12.If you have a bad day, that's ok. Feel it, own it, then let it go and make tomorrow better.

13.Be the sunshine in someone else's dark day when you can.

14.Keep exceptional records so that you're quick on your feet and never have to recreate the wheel.

15.Don't mistake "busy-ness" for "business." Find income-producing activities that make a difference to your client and focus on those.

16.Ask for help and always take it when it's offered. Offer to help when you can.

17.Make time for family and friends. Isn't that why you're working so hard anyway?

18.See conflict as an opportunity to find solutions - not a win.

19.Write thank-you notes like it's your job - because you wouldn't have a job if you had no one to thank.

20.Seek out the advice of experts - then take it.

21.Invest in your education. Attend the conferences, read the new book. Rinse, repeat.

22.Make eye contact and smile - it'll change their day and yours for the better.

23.Reach out and connect with the people your clients need you to know. Cultivate a list of people you trust with your valued referral. Save the day every day by knowing the best people in every industry.

24.Donate to that charity. Buy the Girl Scout cookies. Support people who support people.

25.Teach your team how to be as good as you - or better. Don't be intimidated by their abilities - find a way to put them to best use and reward them for it. Everyone's happy!

26.Look presentable when you're out so that you're not dodging a great new contact in the supermarket because your hair's a mess.

27.Laugh at jokes, not at people. "But by the grace of God go I!"

28.Never take any relationship for granted.

29.Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em - and that goes for offers and laundry.

30.You don't complete thousands of real estate transactions without saying, "Thank you!" to the community who made it all possible. Thank you, Santa Clarita! You have made our dreams come true and we are so grateful!

Kathy Watterson of RE/MAX of Santa Clarita is one of Santa Clarita's top-performing real-estate agents. Together with her team, she has closed thousands of transactions for more money, and less stress, than her clients thought possible.
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