How a Former Private Investigator became One of California's Most Successful Personal Injury Attorneys
April, 2015 - Issue #126
Most lawyers will tell you that they started developing their career path in law school.

Gerald Marcus, lead attorney at The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus, took a different route - one that lead him through a private-investigation firm and onto his final destination as one of California's most successful personal-injury attorneys.

At just 21 years old, Marcus landed a job as a private investigator at a large PI firm in Los Angeles. Tasked with the legwork behind personal-injury cases, he quickly became fluent in the language of injury investigation. "I was charged with analyzing the cases, investigating liability, talking to police officers, meeting with clients, dealing with insurance agencies and, in the end, making a solid case that would then get handed over to the lawyers," recalls Marcus. "I paid really close attention to what went on from there. The partners I worked for - one was an incredible trial lawyer and the other was a gifted personal-injury lawyer - taught me a lot."

After several years on the job and countless winning investigations under his belt, he knew that he, too, wanted to practice personal-injury law. "I had a full time job, working at the firm 50 or more hours a week, and I went to law school at night," says Marcus, who voraciously completed his coursework on an accelerated schedule.

It wasn't long after he passed the bar exam that he opened his own personal-injury law office. "I had my private investigators license, a lot of contacts I'd made at the PI firm, and I was married with a new baby. I was ready to work and wasn't deterred by tough claims, so other attorneys would refer me their most difficult cases. I developed really quickly by necessity and cultivated a reputation as a personal-injury attorney who would go to the mat for my clients," shares Marcus.

Today, The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus has served over 10,000 clients and has recovered more than $100,000,000.

The effort has been worth it, says Marcus, because of his passion to serve people. "I represent people - not corporations or companies. My clients have a face and a real problem; they need help. I've repped people from all walks of life - homeless people, billionaires, the incarcerated. They all get the same level of dedication and respect from me. I love being able to help people who need a voice. Without a voice, they don't stand a chance. I'm passionate about fighting for the underdog - and, against these multi-billion-dollar insurance companies, everyone's an underdog. They have the money, the resources. But I know the way they operate. I have the inside scoop on the defense attorneys, the adjustors. We fight really, really hard even on the smallest cases, and that has earned us a stellar reputation in the industry. Insurance companies know that we battle aggressively and that we don't give up. I know I can help get results for my clients; it's a good feeling."
The Law Offices of Gerald L. Marcus boasts 14 offices, including one in Santa Clarita. 661-296-2992

Why "Contingency Fees" are the Great Equalizer
"In the majority of cases, people would not be able to afford the lawyer fees to fight a personal-injury case to settlement or trial," reflects Marcus. "My firm advances costs for the experts and the depositions. We pay for the investigators and the researchers. What contingency means is: your attorney has skin in the game. They've invested money that they won't get back unless they succeed. Contingency fee structure is the great equalizer because it puts our clients on the same playing field as their opponent without costing them a dime if they don't get a settlement."
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