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Club Golf Valencia Expands Retail & Offers Professional Club Fittings
Club Golf Valencia, Santa Clarita's premier indoor golf club, has expanded its service offerings to clients. The golf club, which offers a state-of-the-art indoor training experience with their TPI Titleist Performance Institute Certified Level I and II instructor, has become a dealer for popular brands like Srixon, Cleveland and Asics. You can now shop your favorite club and accessory brands at Club Golf, located on Soledad Canyon Road. In addition to offering on-site purchases of premium golf brands, Club Golf Valencia now provides club fittings, as well. Optimize your performance, comfort and confidence with a professional club fitting from a highly-experienced expert.
Club Golf Valencia 417-8002
Updating your Trust
A well-made trust can do wonders to take care of you and your family. But they still need to be reviewed from time-to-time to ensure they accurately reflect your wishes and your current family makeup and dynamics. Typically, a trust needs to be updated when a major life event occurs. This can be any notable event that affects you, your family, or your trust. Common examples of life events are births, deaths, marriages, divorces, changes in health, or even the ages of your children, grandchildren and other important people. Even though your life and family has changed, your trust document has not. Many trusts are poorly designed and lack clauses to protect against changes, both foreseeable and unforeseeable. An amendment can be used for minor changes. However, an amendment is a poor choice where there are changes to several sections or the laws have changed significantly. While there is no limit to the number of amendments, too many amendments can make a trust difficult to interpret. A trust restatement is essentially an amendment of the entire trust. All clauses are replaced and rewritten. The only thing that remains the same is the trust's name and original signing date. This has the advantage of creating a more robust and up-to-date document while avoiding the costs and frustration of retitling assets. It also results in a single document to reference. Knowing when to update your trust, and the best method to use is the difference between having an effective, easy-to-use trust and one that is difficult and troublesome.
Law Attorney Michael Yeager 471-2177
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Yes, your Ex may be "Crazy"
but Family Court is still in the Biz of "Unifying Families"
by Denise Lite
"I don't think my kids should see the other parent anymore. They're not safe, a good influence or a healthy person. They're abusive, on drugs or negligent."
I hear a version of that phrase quite often in my line of work and my response is the same each time: The court does not care what you think about your ex. The court's intention is to protect the parent/child relationship after divorce or separation - even if the other parent has serious issues that prevent them from fully showing up in an appropriate way emotionally, physically and/or financially. Yes, usually even if your ex is shown to be mentally unwell. Yes, often even if your ex has shown to be abusive. Yes, most of the time - even if your ex "disappeared" but now wants a relationship with their kids.
As a lawyer and certified family law specialist, it's my job to convince the judge to put protections and restrictions in place that simultaneously protect you, your kids - and the relationship they have with your ex in a way that keeps your children emotionally and physically safe. This means working hard to, when it's appropriate, get my clients full physical and legal custody and ensure that visitation with the other parent is professionally monitored - sometimes by a therapist - and/or limited in time and scope. It means, when it's called for, getting a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DVRO) and restricting your ex's ability to contact you and the children except under court-mandated circumstances. It means pressing the court to require anger management classes, parenting classes, drug testing and therapy. It means making sure the court holds the other parent accountable when they overstep or don't fulfill the court's decision. And, when it makes sense and in the most rare of cases, it means arguing for a severance of parental rights.
Rarely in family court does everyone - or anyone - get what they want. But with experienced, aggressive legal advocacy, your children can get what they need - emotional and physical safety when interacting with their unstable/unwell parent.
Denise Lite, Esq. is a certified family law specialist at DaCorsi Placencio, PC 877-317-8080
Keeping You Safe on the Road
At Valencia Acura, safety is personal and has always been a top priority for the Acura family of precision-crafted performance vehicles. This unrelenting focus drives Acura to create technologies that are as innovative as they are effective. The first line of defense in collision safety lies in the structure of the car itself. Acura's Advanced Compatibility Engineering and unit-body construction are both engineered to help absorb crash energy and offer protection to the cabin and its passengers. And since cars carry our most precious cargo, it serves to reason to want the highest safety rating for ourselves and our families. Annually, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) tests and evaluates two aspects of safety. They look at crashworthiness - how well a vehicle protects its occupants in a crash - and crash avoidance and mitigation, which is technology that can prevent a crash or lessen its severity. Acura was the first luxury brand awarded top safety ratings - the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 5-Star Overall Vehicle Score - across its entire model line. All new TLX models come equipped with AcuraWatch technology and MDX models come with an expanded suite of advanced safety and driver-assistive technologies. Safety is at the heart of Acura's design. Visit Santa Clarita's Friendship Dealership and let their trained sales consultants help navigate the safety features standard on Acura models.
Valencia Acura 255-3000
Ever-Advancing Pioneer
The advanced GLE SUV leaps farther ahead with turbo-hybrid power, fresh styling and even more innovative technology. Its spacious, versatile cabin offers an intuitive voice assistant and luxury for up to seven.
Test drive it today at Mercedes-Benz of Valencia. 753-5555
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Put the Phone Down & Pay Attention
According to the CDC, in the United States, over 2,800 people are killed and an estimated 400,000 are injured in crashes involving a distracted driver annually. Do not drive distracted and become a statistic. Keep yourself and others safe by avoiding the most common distractions below - and model good driving habits for your future drivers!
Cell phone use while driving, including hands free.
Social media, text messages and calls can wait!
Unless for emergency situations only, it's best to pull over safely to make your call.
Avoid eating and drinking while behind the wheel.
Listening to loud music and/or adjusting the station can be hazardous - set your playlist before you go.
Applying makeup behind the wheel is anything but pretty when it causes an accident.
Anything that takes your eye and focus off the road is dangerous - discourage passengers from distracting behaviors and stay safe.
Nick Rose Insurance 253-1131