A Special Letter from the Publishers To the Betty Ferguson Foundation: You will be Missed
January, 2011 - Issue #75
There are few nonprofit organizations that have touched the publishers of this magazine more than the Betty Ferguson Foundation. It was there that Jeanna cultivated life-long connections while serving as a mentor and director of YWAV (Youth with a Voice). Wayne committed himself to the organization's mission - to train, develop and empower women and youth to be a vital force in society - from the beginning. His wife, Dianne, was named BFF's Woman of Honor in 2004. And Kyle and Therese regularly lent their expertise to the group, eager to serve founders Judy Cox (her mother, Betty Ferguson, was the inspiration for the foundation) and Marjanne Priest in their pursuit to change lives for the better, one person at a time.

And that's what they did. For the last 12 years, with the tireless efforts of director Jane Bettencourt-Soto and too many volunteers to count, BFF faithfully served the women and youth of our community. Because of their work, SCV girls have gone to math and science camps; women have completed job certification programs; families in need paid their utility bills; moms went back to school; Christmases have been celebrated; community members who once felt isolated now feel connected; and so much more.

Co-founder Marjanne Priest, always wise and wonderful, reminds us that nothing lasts forever. And so, on December 31, 2010, when Betty Ferguson Foundation closes its doors for the last time, we will do our best to rejoice more than we mourn. The most essential of friendships were born at BFF, and the organization will live on in the hearts of the many it served.

Judy, Marjanne and Jane: Thank you for doing so much for so many. Your generosity of spirit and passion for service inspired an entire community. We are saddened to see the end of BFF, but we know that the story of Betty Ferguson does not end here. Because of your work, she lives on in all of us.
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