Something Old, lots New for Boys & Girls Club Festival of Trees
November, 2007 - Issue #37
The Boys & Girls Club Festival of Trees has a unique way of formally kicking off the holiday season. SCV home dwellers know by now that they should see these trees before they start decorating at home. These professionally-created trees will motivate the decorator inside of you to spread her diamond-encrusted collage wings, or, more likely - to invest in a pre-decorated tree that not only gives you immense pleasure, but brings much-needed services to the children of Santa Clarita.

But Festival is not just about the trees. There are sweeter things to enjoy. The architecturally-superior gingerbread houses could motivate even a Le Cordon Bleu graduate to start thinking of Sweet Tarts and Red Hots differently. Abba Zabba roofs, Tootsie Roll walkways, and non-pareils perched on Red Vines may sound childish, but the pastry chefs behind these masterpieces create a sight that must be seen.

So far, this all sounds very familiar to Festival of Trees veterans. But this year, you get to do it all in a much grander style.
Instead of spreading out the event over three days, this year's event will be encapsulated into one evening's glorious gala. You'll only have one chance to see the handmade gingerbread houses, uniquely-designed wreaths, one-of-a-kind table top displays and phenomenally-decorated holiday trees. You have but one opportunity to take part in the live auction of holiday trees, unlike any seen before, using the time and talents of the most sought-after designers.

Christmas carolers will be greeting guests as they slowly meander through the Hyatt entrance into a winter wonderland. 2nz, a band comprised of five musicians including woodwinds, sax, bass, drums and multi-keyboard, will be performing a mix of not only Christmas music but jazz and dance tunes as well.

And, to top off the evening, guests will be able to sponsor a Club Family who will receive a designer tree, food, holiday gifts and/or gift cards for the entire family - reminding us that the evening is all about giving to others.

Suzanne Benty, special events coordinator for the SCV Boys & Girls Club Foundation, had this information: "The Foundation supports three clubhouses. All are open Monday through Friday after school until 7 p.m. with extended hours during vacation and summertime. All three clubhouses are funded through our special events, grants and private/corporate donations." Translation: The Boys & Girls Club provides adult-supervised recreation and learning opportunities to children who would otherwise return to an empty home after school - and the Foundation can't do this work without your help.

Janice Murray, co-chair of the event with husband and baseball Hall of Famer Eddie Murray, says, "While I've worked with many nonprofits in the Santa Clarita Valley, I must say this is my absolute favorite event! My husband and I have attended the gala for years and we just love it. It's all about the boys and girls. I think that in our community, the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clarita Valley gives structure, warmth and caring. Providing kids with a better quality of life is the most important thing we should all strive to achieve. It's something I am proud to be a part of, and I hope many others will support this cause as well."

So, what are you doing on Saturday, November 10? "It's a great way to kick off your holiday season by starting with a black tie event like this, and now it's all done in one magical night! This new format should appeal to everyone in its quality and classiness," says Murray.

Boys & Girls Clubs Festival of Trees
Saturday, November 10, 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Hyatt Valencia
Sponsorships still available, individual tickets $200; black tie requested.
Call 254-3063 for sponsorship information, tickets or to volunteer.

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