A Reflection on 100 Issues of Inside SCV Magazine
February, 2013 - Issue #100
As I sit and reflect of our 100th issue, I can't help but think about how it all began and what brought us to this milestone.
It's said, "It takes a village to raise a child" and I believe that with my whole heart (And yes, "The greatest Love of All" is still one of my favorite songs!).

In case we aren't friends yet I will start by telling you that I'm one of those rare breeds - I was born and raised in the SCV (Go Indians!). When I was 25 I married another lifer (He'd say, "Go Cowboy's!") and we began to build our own home together in the town that raised us.

I tell you this because I've always referred to Inside SCV as our "first born." We were young, we didn't plan for it but we went with His Plan. We love it and it's a part of us in every way. We even put off our having our second and third born until the "first" was rooted.

It's with this sentiment that I extend my deepest thanks and offering of gratitude to you - that's right: you. If you are reading this then you are the reason we have made it to this milestone. You are our village. It's an honor to drop into your home every month, hang out on your coffee table (Or in the bathroom. Yes, men, I know you're reading, too!) and cozy up with you on the couch with your favorite beverage. We love it when you take us for a pedicure or on vacation. We take none of this for granted and it's this relationship that we have built over the last 100 issues that makes us family. When you visit with one of our advertisers it's an official family function and nothing makes us happier than when our readers and advertisers get together!
It's a privilege to get to work so closely with Santa Clarita's finest businesses. Over the years we have learned much from you and we are so thankful for you and the opportunity to get to be a part of your business dreams. You have made ours come true! You are our family, our friends and neighbors and you make going to work fun every day.

When putting together the cover it was like looking at our "baby's" book. I remember in great detail what was going on in our lives when those issues were produced. We have shared ourselves in times of joy, celebration, reflection and sadness. We have loved using our own version of "word of mouth" when we find things we adore from home, beauty, fashion, healthcare, babies, bridal and beyond. No, I didn't forget food here; I thought that deserved its own line since we are addicted to SCV eats! We don't just write about the SCV- we are the SCV, homegrown.

We love what we do. We are a small, passionate and mighty team and we have always been just that. We work with the best to bring you the best the SCV has to offer and we do it with happy and grateful hearts. We have grown up over the years and look forward to the years to come. It's true what they say about raising babies: Don't blink. It goes by so fast and we thank you for making it so memorable.

What we love most about the SCV is you!

Wishing you joy and love,
Jeanna Crawford
President, SC Publishing, Inc.
& all your friends at Inside SCV Magazine

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