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May is National Barbecue Month
Before You Eat, Safety First!
To kick off grilling season, here are some safety tips that will keep you and your home safe.
Search the Consumer Product Safety Commission website to make sure there has not been a recall on your model grill.
Check your grill hoses for cracks, holes and brittleness.
Cover your grill when cooled and not in use to help protect its parts from inclement weather, falling leaves and insect activity. Of course, wait until the grill is completely cooled before covering it!
Store your propane tanks outside, away from your house. Always check to make sure valves are firmly turned off.
Operate your barbecue on a level surface, away from your house, garage and landscaping.
Keep a fire extinguisher nearby just in case and don't move it once lit!
Nick Rose Insurance 253-1131
Guard that Auto!
New Grand Theft Auto Prevention Safety Campaign Launched this Spring
In partnership with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station, the City of
Santa Clarita is launching its "Guard That Auto" campaign to combat an increase in grand-theft auto over the past year. The campaign educates drivers and citizens on safety tips in an effort to reduce the number of stolen vehicles in Santa Clarita.
Since incorporation, one of our city's top priorities has been the safety of our residents on city streets. Although our theft rate has remained well below the state average, there has been a recent uptick in these types of incidents. This led to the development of a new and expanded educational plan. "Guard That Auto" launched in spring 2021 and will primarily focus on tips related to locking up and keeping not only your auto, but the contents inside of it, safe.
"Guard That Auto" banners, posters and advertisements can be seen throughout Santa Clarita and center on five main "Keep Your" messages:
1. Keep your keys inside your home and out of your car.
2. Keep your car safe and park in well-lit areas.
3. Keep your car safe and use a theft protection device.
4. Keep your spare key with you, not in a car that can be stolen.
5. Keep your valuables out of your car.