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What role should a pastor have with politics?
What place does the church have in addressing the state?
How do God and government go together?
At The Bridge, we're talking and working through this.
We know that: Moses was called to confront the government (Pharaoh); Daniel was called to confront the government (Nebuchadnezzar); Esther was called to confront the government (King Xerxes).
We know that the government went after Jesus. Herod tried to kill him as a baby. Eventually the government - Pontus Pilate - sentenced him to be crucified.
Like their master, most of the12 disciples of Christ were executed by the state. The apostle John was arrested and exiled by the Roman government to the Alcatraz of the day - the island of Patmos - when God gave him the vision recorded for us in Revelation.
In these unusual times, join us as we study the intriguing, hopeful book of Revelation and as we discover a gracious, God-affirming way to stand up for our faith, to love our neighbors and to thrive together.
Pastor Dave White of The Bridge. thebridgescv.com