Baby Love
May, 2013 - Issue #103
Laurie Sachs Photography 305-5493
Alex Smith Photography 305-5141
Alex Smith Photography 305-5141
Are You really "Overdue?"

According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), a due date past 42 weeks is considered "post date." That means that up to 42 weeks is normal gestation. You have to wonder, then, why so many moms begin getting "Let's make a plan to induce!" pressure when they reach 40 weeks! Most babies will come between 37 and 42 weeks. The "due date" your doctor may give you is not a magic number - no one knows for sure when your baby will come when left up to their own devices. What we do know is that going into labor spontaneously is best for both mom and baby.

There is a continuing controversy regarding the management of the pregnant patient who has not delivered by her "due date." Induction of the undelivered post-term patient, rather than allowing spontaneous labor, places the patient at higher risk for failed induction, cesarean delivery and its common complications without significant improvement of neonatal outcomes.

An extensive study was done that evaluated 4,869 patients. The conclusion was clear: There was no difference in the mortality or morbidity of moms and babies who experienced routine induction and the moms and babies who instead were conservatively managed until spontaneous post-date labor occurred.

Another interesting fact to note: Boys are significantly more predisposed to arriving "late." When moms gestate through 43 weeks, there's a 60 percent chance that the gender of the child is male.
The next time you hear, "Your baby is running late!" you may want to reply, "No - they're right on schedule. Maybe you're just early!"
SCV Birth Center - Renee the Midwife

Laurie Sachs Photography 305-5493
Laurie Sachs Photography 305-5493
Henry Mayo's New NICU Receives Community Service Award

The Kim and Steven Ullman Neonatal Intensive Care Unit team at Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital was honored recently with a Santa Clarita Elks Lodge Community Service Award. The award recognizes outstanding service organizations in our community. The hospital is one of the life-saving organizations that the Lodge honored, along with the Sheriff's Department, CHP, Los Angeles County Fire Department and others.

Since Henry Mayo's new $6 million state-of-the-art NICU facility opened in June 2012, the highly-trained staff has responded to the special needs of 105 tiny patients. The 11-bed, 4,369-square-foot NICU features highly-specialized equipment and ensures that critical care for newborns is available in the Santa Clarita Valley. The NICU team of neonatal nurses, respiratory therapists and support staff is led by a board-certified neonatologist.

"Our highly-trained staff of neonatal nurses, respiratory therapists, nutritionists, social workers and doctors works as a team to deliver measured care to babies at a critical juncture in their early lives," said Sukshma Sreepathi, MD, the unit's medical director. "We are in constant communication with parents to ease their anxieties and keep them informed of their baby's treatment regimen."

The NICU at Henry Mayo strengthens the entire community by keeping families and their newborns together at a most critical time, solidifying it as a destination choice for families.

"The nursing staff at the NICU has a mother's touch and soothed our nervous hearts," said Elizabeth and Charles Perez, new parents of baby Justin, one of the NICU's first patients. "They provided our new family with a healthy, happy and beautiful new beginning."
Call for more information on Henry Mayo's Maternity Services. 253-8227

Dental Care During Pregnancy
• When you're pregnant, elevated hormone levels can make your gums and teeth more sensitive to bacteria, increasing your risk for infection.

• Pregnant women are more prone to some dental problems, including periodontal disease, pregnancy gingivitis (Which affects nearly 50 percent of all pregnant women!) and pregnancy tumors.

• Dental appointments for expecting moms are best made during the second trimester, after your little bundle of joy has formed their vital organs.

• If you have a toothache or have noted pus or blood near your gum line, get to the dentist post haste. These are indicators for infection, which can be incredibly dangerous to you and your baby during pregnancy. Gum and mouth infections can spread through your body, increasing the risk of complications and even miscarriage.

• There are some dental treatments that should be avoided when you're expecting. Put off the teeth whitening, root canals and x-rays unless absolutely necessary.
Valencia Dental Arts 799-9989

Cobblestone Cottage 253-0209
Cobblestone Cottage 253-0209
Mommy Needs some Help!
Long gone are the days when an older female relative cleared her schedule for a few weeks to help a new mom out. If you're a soon-to-be or new mom, take heart! Help with breastfeeding, diapering, bathing - even house tidying! - is only a phone call away. Professional Newborn Care provides skilled assistance with colicky babies and exhausted parents. No new-mom struggle is too big or too small for the warm, caring team. 259-8802
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