Come Christmas Sing
As we Celebrate the Birth of Jesus, we Remember what He Ultimately Came to Do
December, 2021 - Issue #206
Jesus was the most astonishing child ever given to parents.
Mary, still a virgin, must have been amazed when the angel told her she would conceive. She must have been amazed when she wrapped that newborn and looked into the face of the God-man.
But the story doesn't end with Jesus in the manger.
Years later, Mary must also have been amazed when she stood at the foot of the cross, watching her son be put to death. And most stunning of all - three days later, Jesus rose from the dead.
Jesus' name means "Jehovah saves," which points us to His mission: This child came to be a savior.
"She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will SAVE HIS PEOPLE from their sins."
(Matthew 1:21)
We can admire Jesus as God in human flesh. We can admire Him
as sinless and holy. But the only way we can ever know Him personally is if He saves us from our sins.
To do this, Jesus had to go to the cross and provide a ransom for sin. He had to be our substitute so that God, satisfied that our sins are paid for, could offer forgiveness to any who will believe and receive it.
So as you celebrate the birth of Jesus this Christmas, remember what He ultimately came to do.
God calls us to embrace Jesus not only as the God-man born in a manger, but also as the sinless savior sent to die in our place.
From the faculty, staff and students of The Master's University, we wish the SCV a joyous Christmas.
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