Be Santa to 175 SCV Kids who Need your Help
Ho, ho, ho - no?
November, 2007 - Issue #37
For most Santa Clarita children, the holidays are a magical time. But for some, Christmas is just another thing that reminds them that their family isn't as lucky as others. Hundreds of children will miss out on a big family meal, the memories of decorating a tree and opening a gift or two because of their parent's low-income status.
The SCV Jaycees want to change this inevibility for 175 Santa Clarita kids this year. The group's ninth annual Santa's Helpers project will benefit children of all ages.

Boxes are being delivered to local businesses to collect new, unwrapped toys and gift certificates for the older set. The toys are collected, wrapped and given to children whose Christmas wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for the Santa's Helpers. On December 15 at the Ice Station Valencia, the kids will get to ice skate, have pizza and soda, make crafts, and even get to see Santa with his bag full of goodies. Every year, they leave with presents, and, more importantly, smiles.

Not only do the kids enjoy themselves, but it is also a family event. The parents come, too!

Toys and donations will be collected in the month of November and beginning part of December. Some of the local toy drop off spots include Stay Green, Inc., Telesis Community Credit Union, Burrtec Waste Industries and Bayless Engineering & Manufacturing.

The party is about more than children getting presents - it's about teaching kids that good communities care for each other and make sure no one does without. The event allows these families to step away - even for one evening - from the worry and stress of daily struggles.

You can get involved with this wonderful event by making a secure donation online at, or by donating toys in one of the many drop-off locations. The money donated covers the cost of the venue, purchasing gift certificates for the older children who often get left out and getting together the crafts necessary for the evening.
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community events