Kid's Review
Live Theater
March/April, 2005 - Issue #6
Helmers Elementary School

It is Saturday morning and just as you are sitting down to enjoy your morning coffee, you hear the most popular and annoying weekend sentence ever spoken: "What are we going to do today?"

I know of an enjoyable family activity here in Santa Clarita that will enable you to answer that pesky question. Tell your family that you are "going to the theater." Now, I do not mean the movie theater, but an actual live theater right here in our town.

In downtown Newhall, you can watch talented actors and actresses young and old perform life-like stories. Many of the plays I have seen have been based on books or movies, so the subjects were already familiar to me. However, even if you have seen a movie or read a book a thousand times, these local plays are a fresh new way to present an old favorite and still keep it entertaining.

One of my favorite theaters is the Canyon Theatre Guild (CTG). Located on San Fernando Road, the Canyon Theatre Guild presents family plays as well shows for grown-ups. They are open year-round so there is always something to see. Whether you enjoy plays or musicals, there is sure to be a current production that will be to your liking. I have seen several plays at the Canyon Theatre's location. "Ramona Quimby," "It's a Wonderful Life," "Pom-Pom Zombies," and "Miracle on 34th Street" are just a few of my favorites.

Here is another reason to go to the theater: "I know one of the actors in that one." I have been able to use this motive a number of times. Friends of mine from school have actually had starring roles in plays at the Canyon Theatre Guild. My grandma even had a small walk-on part in her favorite story of all time, "It's a Wonderful Life." I was proud to know them as I sat in the audience and watched them perform. Because anyone is welcome to try out for a part, it is likely that you or your kids might just happen to know someone in one of the performances.

So, what do you think you will be doing this weekend? Will you be taking a long nap? Will you be hunched over your homework? Or will you simply be sitting and watching the clouds float by? I suggest an afternoon or evening at the theater. I am sure that you will enjoy the opportunity to get dressed-up for dinner and spend the evening with your family seeing a wonderful production at our own live theater.


Check out or call CTG at 799-2702 for show times and more.
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