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Our holiday tradition is that we don't have one.
There's always a tree, sometimes fresh and sometimes not, and it's never without presents beneath. There's always food, and plenty of it. We're blessed with abundance, if not consistency.
Here are some new ideas of how to help your community this holiday season...
Sweet treats in moderation is generally a healthy policy, but when the holidays roll around, all bets are off. Here are three of our favorite ways to watch our kids get their sugar on during the holidays. It's the sweetest time of the year!
Soup for the Soul is one of the most anticipated events of the year in Santa Clarita, with an evening of unparalleled entertainment, heart-warming stories and more...
Support our troops abroad with a Halloween candy donation!
Keeping your family safe - and finding your Meow match!
Chewing and scratching got you down? We've found some smart supplies to save your furniture & please your pets!
Host your own version of the Summer Olympics and other fun!
Your Family's Weekend just got More Fun
Take a walk - a family nature walk - and explore our community's hidden treasures.
Plant Seeds & Love this Month
Father's Day is June 20
We. Did. It. I know so many of you will relate to what I have to say about being on the other side of that statement - this is for you, too. But if you're a student, educator or parent, I mean this doubly for you!
If you've ever shared a loving look with a pound pup through chain-link doors or had your heart skip a beat when you laid eyes on your future BFF at a shelter, you know first hand just how awesome a rescue dog can be.
A simple rule of physics - what goes up must come down - proved devastating for one local family last year when illegal fireworks ignited a home fire.
Celebrate International Children's Book Day on April 2 with a collection of stories about 18 people who have changed the world by this SCV Author!
SCV Summer Camp Options are here!
That's good news, Santa Clarita - SO MANY REASONS TO CELEBRATE!
Do you know a local homeowner, business or organization that could really use deep-cleaning services?
How does a US Army veteran end up owning an insurance brokerage firm? It's not as big of a leap as you might think.
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