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Do you know what your rabbit should be eating - and how to adopt a rubber ducky? You do now!
Ready to run? How about walk, or take up tennis? Here's the support and incentive you need.
If you don't know how to spot, prevent and treat heatstroke in your dogs, you owe it to Fluffy to read up now.
Tie up those tennis shoes and hit the pavement to help others - and yourself.
Save big on back-to-school shopping at this consignment event
School news, college-planning blues and more can be found in this month's Family section.
Find out how to not just treat the symptoms, but how to reverse your pet's illness or joint damage and more.
"Don't let your cat eat..." and more important Family briefs.
Is there room in your heart for a foster child? Learn how you can help a kid in need.
What if this year was the year you stuck to your New Year's resolutions and changed your health and fitness for the better? What does that kind of success look like? How does it feel? Visualizing our future success can serve as an incredible motivator, but your "can do" plan has to include more than a really detailed snapshot of the end result. You also need to decide on the "how." For many of us, clubs and services are our best bet to long-term health and fitness success. Here are two SCV favorites.
Meet a local actor, sharpen your organizing skills and more with the help of our Family Time professionals.
Should Miss Kitty get to eat "people food?" This answer and more - including a great introduction to the lead pastor of Real Life Church - can be found here.
Doggy Fashion Shows, Mysterious Birthday Parties and a Free Kids Meal on Gameday!
From "Quacktastic" and Tail-wagging fun to free fundraising and fab fishing tips...
From school pictures to duck adoptions and getting to know two Santa Clarita siblings...
From furry friends to future foodies and an elephant in need...
The kids are out of school - and into your hair! Keep them learning, developing, laughing and busy with one of many SCV camp opportunities. From horseback riding to go-kart racing, this collection of camps will keep everyone happy!
Spelling Bees and Seeing Stars - Helping the Homeless and Raising the Grade - Trail rides to Trail Hikes... Family Time comes first in Santa Clarita.
The Gentle Barn is currently home to 130 animals who are rescued from severe abuse, neglect or slaughter. Once the animals are rehabilitated they stay at the barn for the rest of their lives and serve as ambassadors, helping to heal abused children.
If you're looking for a party to remember (For good reasons - not because little Billy broke a lamp trying to pin the tail on the donkey.), don't forget these spots! They score high on "fun" and low on "stress" (and broken lamps).
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