Perfect Vision
in Less than 8 Seconds at the Perfect Price
June, 2013 - Issue #104
courtesy of Shutterstock
courtesy of Shutterstock
If you're like most people with less-than-perfect vision, you've probably dreamed of being free of glasses and contacts. Perhaps, like many people, price is the reason that you're "on the fence." Sure, you realize that you probably spend a small fortune each year on glasses, prescription sun glasses, contacts, contact solutions, eye drops and unquantifiable time and frustration. Of course you know that LASIK surgery can make those costs a thing of the past. But dropping $6,000 or more on the best LASIK procedure available seemed out of range.

It's not anymore. For a limited time, Helm Vision Group is offering LASIK surgery for $3,500 for both eyes. If you suffer from astigmatism, farsightedness or have been told that yours is a "difficult to treat" case, you can still achieve exceptional sight - without paying a dollar more.

This very special offer is only available to clients who call to schedule their free consultation prior to Friday, June 7, 2013.

Is LASIK Cheaper than Poor Vision?
Having less-than-ideal vision isn't just cutting into your work, social and athletic activities - it's probably having a negative affect on your budget, too. While insurance coverage and unique needs vary greatly, the average person spends a pretty penny on managing their poor vision each year. Here's a sample budget of what an Inside SCV staffer was spending on her vision each year before she had LASIK.

Annual eye exam $100
Prescription glasses $200
Prescription sun glasses $150
Year's worth of contact lenses $350
Year's worth of contact lens solution $120
Year's worth of wetting eye drops $50
Total: $970

Each year, she would spend close to $1,000 on maintaining poor vision. Her quality of life wasn't much improved by her expenditures, either. She often complained of tired eyes, "sandy-feeling" contact lenses and sore knees (From crawling around on the floor searching for a wayward contact lens!). After LASIK, every "eye expense" disappeared. Using her numbers and Helm Vision's current LASIK price of $3,500, the procedure would have paid for itself in less than three and a half years. Too bad she didn't go with Helm. She paid over $6,000 for a lesser laser treatment in 2009.

"We're proud to have been voted Santa Clarita's BEST LASIK VISION CORRECTION CENTER three years in a row. This limited-time all-inclusive price of $3,500 for the fastest, most accurate laser available is our way of saying 'thank you' to the community we love."
~ Dr. Craig Helm, cornea and refractive surgery specialist
Meet the Allegretto 400HZ
The World's Fastest LASIK Laser
During a five to eight second treatment, your vision could go from "Can't read the menu to save my life" to "Hey, do you see that hawk in the tree three blocks down?" The Allegretto 400HZ offers Helm patients near-instant gratification. "The vast majority of patients drive themselves to their next-day follow up appointment without the assistance of glasses or contacts. They're always so happy and can't believe that the results happen overnight," says Dr. Helm.
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