Healthy & Happy
March, 2012 - Issue #89
Get Caregiving Help
Comfort Keepers In-home Care works with families to adjust services as needed to meet the changing needs of seniors and other clients. They offer clients and their families a wide degree of service flexibility - from a minimum of four hours a week to full time and any amount in between - whatever is needed to best serve each client. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and someone is always available to answer your calls.

The process starts with a thorough in-home assessment to determine your and your loved one's needs; they work with families to develop a care plan that is unique to each individual and strive to provide the most appropriate level of service to maximize each client's quality of life and independence, often partnering with outside senior care organizations such as home health care agencies, nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

In-home services include, but are not limited to, companionship care and homemaking, such as meal preparation, conversation, incidental transportation, mobility, light housekeeping, errand-running, medication reminders, relief for family caregivers, laundry, grocery shopping, recreational activities, mail assistance, communication with family and tender loving care. Personal care is also provided, like special-diet meal preparation, hygiene and bathing, transferring and positioning, incontinence care, toileting, feeding and oral hygiene.
"I have lost
42 POUNDS with this program. There is no doubt that this program saved my life!"

Lose the Weight
Revitalize-U, a new body image, is dedicated to helping you improve and maintain your health. With locations in Burbank and Valencia, they offer the Ideal Protein weight loss method enhanced by wellness services that are focused on an overall healthy lifestyle. This doctor-approved and monitored program offers a real solution to your weight loss challenges. They give you the tools to make the changes in your life, to lose the weight and maintain your new body and healthy lifestyle.

Last year, Revitalize-U patients lost a combined total of 5,260 pounds! Included in this number are the 42 pounds Alison lost. She says, "I was 40 pounds overweight and was on six medications for my heart and kidneys. I had tried other 'diets' and failed. A good friend who had been successful with this protocol introduced me to Revitalize-U. I loved the food. It was easy for me to follow. I have lost 42 pounds with this program. There is no doubt that this program saved my life!" 222-9057

Meet with Other
Stroke/Brain Injury Survivors

A stroke or brain injury can result in unique challenges and disabilities for survivors - and their caregivers and loved ones.

Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital's Stroke and Brain Injury Support Group will address these issues and offer resources to help overcome challenges.

The free Stroke and Brain Injury Support Group meets the second Wednesday of every month, 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., in the hospital's ARU Dining Room. All stroke survivors, caregivers and family members are invited to attend this group to learn more about stroke, share experiences and receive encouragement and strength from others who have experienced a similar event.

The support group offers a mix of resources because not every survivor has the same needs. However, each meeting will include time for education, support, sharing experiences and socializing.
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