Healthy & Happy
July, 2012 - Issue #93
Children's Skin is Thinner and more
Susceptible to Chemical Exposure
Did you know that your baby's skin is five times thinner than yours? Because of this, it is so much easier for your baby to absorb chemicals from skin care products. Many of us know that what we put on our skin goes into our bodies, so one way for us to help protect our baby's health is by making wise choices when it comes to choosing healthy skin care products. Chemicals such as phthalates, parabens and sodium lauryl sulfate are ingredients that can be skin irritants or endocrine disruptors. These ingredients can be found in our shampoos, lotions and baby washes. They may also contain harmful chemical by-products such as 1.4-dioxane and formaldehyde, which the EPA classifies as probable carcinogens. Even botanical ingredients, unless they are organic, may contain harmful pesticides. We have so many choices; it's hard to know what to buy. Start by looking for products that are natural, preferably organic, and both pediatrician and clinically tested. Here are some common newborn skin conditions - and what to do about them! Milia are white bumps on Baby's nose or cheeks. No treatment or skin care product is needed. Milia is caused by blocked oil glands and will usually disappear within a few days to a few weeks. Baby acne usually shows up around two to three weeks, and, like Milia, needs no treatment. This is caused by Mom's hormones and will also clear up on its own. Cradle cap is a condition that shows up around the first or second month and will clear up within the first year. Cradle cap can be related to either excessive oil production or from yeast. Talk to you healthcare provider about which skin care product would be the best choice for your baby's delicate scalp.
SCV Birth Center 254-3000
Hormonal Balance is Essential for
Women's Health & Happiness
Women can start premenopause any time between 35 and 45 years old; it is influenced by many factors. During these times, hormones begin to change and become unbalanced; symptoms might include hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, weight gain, decreased libido, fatigue and irregular menses. Hormone imbalance is also connected to stress, nutrition, exercise and environmental factors. Female hormones are not just composed of estrogen and progesterone; women also need testosterone, DHEA and cortisol to name a few. The thyroid produces thyroid hormones essential for energy, metabolic rate and body regulation, and problems with the thyroid often go un- or mis-diagnosed. Cortisol plays a major role in stress management, as well regulates blood pressure, kidney function, glucose balance and fat storage, auto immune function and thyroid regulation. Many people suffering from adrenal fatigue, because of high stress levels, have a cortisol imbalance. Having your hormones in balance assists in prevention of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders and many other health issues. The GYN Center for Women evaluates these factors and works to balance your hormones based on your individual needs. Hormone harmony, combined with a balanced lifestyle and proper supplementation are the keys to staying healthy, feeling energized and looking young.
GYN Center for Women 284-6997
Alzheimer's & Dementia CARE Services
Bring Comfort to Patients & Families
The Home Instead Senior Care network's unique training program for Alzheimer's and other dementias is part of its CARE: Changing Aging through Research and Education program. Trained CAREGivers bring the following skills and support to families of those with Alzheimer's disease or dementia: Capturing Life's Journey - Gathering past stories and experiences helps the CAREGiver give comfort and customized care while honoring who the senior was earlier in life. Techniques to Manage Behavior - CAREGivers use techniques such as giving simple choices and redirecting, allowing the senior to remain calm and safe at home. Encouraging Engagement - Engaging seniors throughout the day builds self-esteem, enhances physical strength and reduces behaviors that need to be managed. Using techniques and activities, CAREGivers focus on the seniors' mind, body and soul. Supporting the Family - CAREGivers understand the struggles and challenges that accompany caring for a loved one. They are trained to work closely with the family and have open communication, which results in quality care for the senior. Home Instead CAREGivers trained in the CARE program have a passion and desire to work with Alzheimer's or dementia clients. They receive ongoing classroom training and testing prior to caring for a senior with Alzheimer's or other dementias.
Home Instead Senior Care 254-8701
Stroke Support Group Meets at Henry Mayo
A stroke or brain injury can result in unique challenges and disabilities for survivors as well as their caregivers and loved ones. Everyone copes with their experiences in different ways. Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital's Stroke and Brain Injury Support Group will address these issues and offer resources to help overcome challenges. Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, an Advanced Primary Stroke Center, recently received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get With The Guidelines-Stroke Silver Plus Quality Achievement Award. The free Stroke and Brain Injury Support Group meets the second Wednesday of every month, 2 to 3:30 p.m., in the hospital's ARU Dining Room located at 25727 McBean Parkway in Valencia. All stroke survivors, caregivers and family members are invited to attend this group to learn more about stroke, share experiences and receive encouragement and strength from others who have experienced a similar event. Upcoming topics include stroke prevention; advance directives; stroke medications discussion; physical therapy; and occupational therapy.
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital 253-8651
Colon Hydrotherapy Provides
Essential Cleaning on the Inside
"Today's onslaught of known toxins in our environment continually bombards us with chemicals that can alter the way our body works," says Brenda Watson, a certified nutritional consultant and author of Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps. "This not only affects natural processes, it also affects the body's capacity to heal and maintain vibrancy." Watson suggests that we adopt a mindset about being responsible for our health. She likes a program that keeps internal body systems, such as our colon, clean and maintained using colon hydrotherapy. "For centuries, every culture around the world has been using some form of colon cleansing for health," observes Watson. This proponent of colon hydrotherapy (which detoxifies the large intestine through a gentle infusion of purified water at a safely-controlled temperature, with gentle, continuous pressure) is not alone. Like Watson, Dr. Linda Berry, a chiropractor, certified clinical nutritionist and author of Internal Cleansing, indicates the viability of colonic irrigation. "Colonics remove the waste from the body and can be optimized with an herbal cleanse that may aid in the cellular relief of toxins," says Berry. More information on colon hydrotherapy is available from the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy (, which works to heighten awareness, provide education and offer referrals.
Optimal Health 253-2900
Hair Transplants are more Simple than You Think -
but "Getting it Right" is a Samson Specialty
Medically speaking, hair transplantation procedures are quite easy. The procedures simply involve moving hair from one part of the head to another. It is very easy to do this successfully. A physician with even very rudimentary training can move hair and get it to grow. However, just because a transplant is a medical success does not mean that it was an aesthetic success. By far, hair transplantation procedures are more influenced by aesthetic considerations than medical ones. As one of the pioneers in the field of hair transplantation put it, "Hair transplantation is about 10 percent medicine and 90 percent art." Think of it as sculpture where the medium is human skin and hair, rather than marble or clay or bronze. The same issues that a sculptor must think about if sculpting a human face - facial proportions, location and shape of the hairline, for example - are issues the doctor must consider in hair transplantation. In fact, one of history's greatest artists, Leonardo da Vinci, is probably the single most significant influence on the procedure. It was da Vinci who analyzed and published detailed sketches of facial proportions hundreds of years ago. He discovered the rule of "thirds" that governs the location of hairlines in males. This rule is the starting point for all hairline reconstruction done by Samson Hair Restoration. But that is not enough. Samson is careful to select physicians who have the requisite temperament, judgment and ethics to be great hair transplant surgeons. These issues are subtle, but very important to the quality of the result that the client experiences. The company also uses a referral-based marketing strategy in order to provide more value and affordability to the client. Samson Hair Restoration is now available at the Hair Loss Treatment Center.
Hair Loss Treatment Center 294-6880
What to Expect with In-Home Care
Sometimes, to remain safely in their own home, a senior merely needs a helping hand with activities of daily living, such as bathing and personal-care assistance, medication reminders, errands, transportation to doctor's appointments, etc. Caregivers help seniors maintain proper hygiene and maintain dignity as they manage with loss of independence because of incontinence; caregivers provide help with toileting and also help with oral hygiene to prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Caregivers make certain that seniors get the proper nutrition. Malnutrition is common among seniors, and a healthy, balanced diet is imperative in maintaining good health. The percentage is extremely high, when looking at hospital admittance data for seniors over 65, that the reason is mismanagement of medications, or slip and falls. Having in-home care can be proactive rather than reactive. Caregivers can do anything that does not require a medical license; they can assist within the home and be included in the initial care plan.
Comfort Keepers In-home Care 287-4200
Unruh Spine Center Offers Free Ultimate Wellness
Health Assessment for the First 20 Respondents
Designed to promote ultimate wellness, this professionally-assessed session will alert you to risk factors for a variety of diseases and conditions. Develop a long-term health strategy that pays off in a longer, healthier life. Your assessment will review your diet, family history, cholesterol, blood pressure, cognitive abilities and health habits. No purchase is necessary and the offer is valid for new clients of the Unruh Spine Center who are 18 years and older. You must mention Inside SCV Magazine when your call to schedule your appointment. And, through July 31, all new patients mentioning Inside SCV Magazine will receive a free diabetes and cholesterol test. Again, no purchase is necessary and there is no obligation.
Unruh Spine Center 288-0022