Healthy & Happy
January, 2013 - Issue #99
The Importance of Hair & Appearance
Studies have shown that men with hair loss are judged as less attractive than those with hair. It may not be fair. It may not be right - but it is a fact. Other studies have shown that men with hair loss are judged to be older than, in fact, they are. No real surprise there. Hair loss dramatically impacts one's appearance, perhaps more so than any other physical condition. We instantly notice a change in a person's hair. No doubt this is why men and women historically have gone to great lengths to address their hair loss.

In response to hair loss, many men opt to shave their head. For some, this can be a stylish and attractive look. Others don't look good with a shaved head. They can look menacing and intimidating. A shaved head calls attention to itself. In most business settings, a shaved head seems inappropriate with the normal corporate attire. And, while an option for some men, a shaved head is almost unheard of for women. Most women would sooner wear a wig than shave their head.

Fortunately, today hair loss sufferers have more and better treatment options than ever before. Most important among these is hair transplantation. It is the only truly permanent and natural solution. Once the new hair is transplanted and growing, one can literally forget about it. It requires no maintenance other than what one normally does with one's hair: washing and styling. It is permanent. It will grow for a lifetime. You can do everything to transplanted hair that you can do to non-transplanted hair: cut it, color it, style it any way you want. You can even pull a transplanted hair out and it will do just what a non-transplanted hair will do: it will grow right back.

The Samson hair restoration professionals at Hair Loss Treatment Center understand the importance of hair and appearance. In any restoration program, their goal is to recreate a look that it totally natural and totally undetectable. The hair should look like it has been growing in its location all along. Their standard of success is simple, yet demanding: after a Samson transplant, your own hair stylist should not be able to tell you've had anything done. A good transplant is one that nobody notices, and Samson doctors have achieved a level of artistry that makes this possible.

Take Care of Yourself
When Taking Care of Others

Are you caring for an older or disabled adult? Maybe you are helping them to dress or shop for food, or reminding them to take medicines or even just making sure they're safe at home. Most Americans will act as a family caregiver at some point during their lives. Some will be juggling paying jobs in addition to their caregiver duties, and some will still be raising their own children while caring for their elderly relatives. And they may not realize that help is available.

Being a family caregiver for an elderly loved one can be incredibly rewarding but most family caregivers report feeling the effects of "caregiver stress" at some point. If you are a family caregiver, it is both normal and common to feel the effects of caregiver stress. That's why it's essential to plan your care, too, and to have a plan in place to manage that stress before it results in severe mental and/or physical health issues.

In order to take the best care of anyone else, you must first take care of yourself. The best way to reduce the effects of caregiver stress is to ask for and accept help. Make a list of ways others can help you and let your family and friends choose what they want to do. One person might volunteer to take the person you care for on a walk a couple of times a week, another might offer to pick up groceries for you. Also consider bringing in outside help, such as non-medical home care from an agency like Visiting Angels, one or more days a week to give everyone a much-deserved break.
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