Healthy & Happy
October, 2014 - Issue #120
Courtesy of Shutterstock
Courtesy of Shutterstock

Facts about Pharmacists
A pharmacy is responsible for ensuring the safe, effective use and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs. A pharmacy has traditional roles like compounding and dispensing medication. Pharmacies also have healthcare-related roles like providing drug information and reviewing medication for safety and effectiveness.

Pharmacies dispense medication through pharmacists. Pharmacists are experts on drug therapy and the body's reaction to medication. Pharmacists practice in a variety of areas including retail pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, nursing home pharmacies and military pharmacies. Pharmacists can specialize in various areas of practice at a pharmacy. All pharmacies are required to have a pharmacist on duty at all times when open. In many states, it is required that the owner of a pharmacy must be a registered pharmacist (R.Ph.). A doctor must prescribe medication and a pharmacist will fill the medication at a pharmacy. Call your local trusted pharmacist, Moazzem H. Chowdhury.

Desert Drugs Pharmacy 298-3135 Newhall Pharmacy 799-7017

In Celebration of the Company's 10th Anniversary,
10 Reasons Why we make a Dash to Runners Lane
1. Before we started going to Runners Lane, we chose our athletic footwear based on color. Now we choose our shoes based on function, fit and... color.

2. Before a Runners Lane pro gave us a free RL GaitView Video Stride Analysis, we didn't know we had an overpronation. Or, um... what an overpronation is.

3. About that flat-foot prompted overpronation... The shoes they helped us select have great pronation control and makes running, if not blissful, much more enjoyable!

4. Want to know what the best running trails are in the SCV? Santa Monica? New York? Bali? Ask a Runners Lane pro. Those people are like the fittest "travel agents" ever.

5. Runners Lane is also headquarters for paseo walkers, mall flyers and gallivanting girlfriends. You don't have to have a need for speed to get the right shoes and service there.

6. Speaking of walking... Get your stride on during their weekly walking and running events. You'll meet new friends and love the camaraderie of the free jaunts.

7. Trying to PR (Personal Record) or PB (Personal Best) at your next race? You can't beat the advice you'll find at Runners Lane. These pros know the courses and the gear. Plus, because they're all passionate about running, they're more than eager to share info and swap stories.

8. This locally-owned and managed business has spent a decade developing a reputation for integrity, exceptional service, fair pricing and community spirit.

9. Runners Lane is spreading the SCV vibe;
they just opened a new store in Palmdale.

10. Through October 15, take 10 percent off your entire Runners Lane purchase with the ad on page 29.

Runners Lane 260-3368

News from hearing expert Nola Aronson
Overcoming the Strain
Hearing Loss puts on Relationships

What makes relationships last? Communication. Experts say couples who stay together in happy, mutually-supportive relationships are those who communicate well. Unfortunately, hearing loss can break down communication, straining relationships.

That strain is avoidable. People who suffer hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids - especially in this era of high-tech, virtually-invisible, full-time-wearable hearing aids.

Eliminate Miscommunication Remember the scene in "Friends," when Phoebe thought the chorus to Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" was, 'Hold me closer Tony Danza..." Many couples impacted by hearing loss experience similar moments, and they're not always humorous. Not hearing correctly causes communication breakdowns that damage relationships. A digital hearing aid keeps you and your partner on the same page.

Catch the Subtle Signals Couples often develop a code - phrases or signals that help them navigate situations together. Hearing aids help couples continue understanding whispered comments and inside jokes.

Eliminate Frustration It's frustrating when you can't hear and have to ask someone to repeat something. Imagine the frustration on the other end of the conversation, too. With digital hearing aids, communication replaces frustration.

Maintain Closeness If you suffer hearing loss, there's a good chance you withdraw from social situations. Imagine the distance this places between you and the person with whom you share every thought and emotion. Hearing aids help maintain that closeness.

A hearing aid literally can be the difference between a relationship that's broken and one that works for many years to come.

Nola Aronson's Advanced Audiology was established in September 2010. Before then, Aronson successfully grew two other local practices and has helped hearing-impaired patients since 1987. Advanced Audiology is the SCV's largest diagnostic hearing center and its leader of advanced technology and invisible solutions. 877-4555

Courtesy of Shutterstock
Courtesy of Shutterstock
Support for Family Caregivers
Caring for a family member is incredibly rewarding but can be time consuming as well as physically and emotionally exhausting. The caregiver may have nothing left to invest into other relationships, causing strain and suffering. It's especially prevalent when family members, often daughters, are providing care to their aging parent while also meeting the needs of their own children and spouse.

Respite care can be the answer. Visiting Angels provides care on very flexible terms. Although most of the time their clients request a regular schedule, visits may be arranged for a temporary time frame - for example, if the primary family caregiver is going out of town or needs a night out. The company's services are available for as little as four hours at a time, or you can opt to have care around the clock. It's all up to the clients and what they need.

Visiting Angels offers free consultations with a care manager, either in your home or their office. You will discuss how their services can help; they'll also provide referrals for other community resources like transportation, meal delivery, funding sources for care and other supportive services.

"One of the greatest joys of my job," says Visiting Angels Director Geneva Knoles, "is seeing the positive effects on the lives of clients and their families when they arrange for in-home care. For example, just adding a few shifts of care per week of assistance with bathing or preparing nutritious meals can allow the family caregiver to return to their role as son, daughter or friend. Or we see a senior who was bored and isolated re-engage in the life previously enjoyed when they have an Angel to accompany them to community activities or pursue hobbies in their own home. It's very rewarding," says Knoles. 263-2273
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