Healthy & Happy
June, 2017 - Issue #153
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Lunula Laser Shows Effectiveness in Clinical Study
Results of an ongoing clinical trial testing the Lunula laser for the noninvasive treatment of nail fungus was published in a recent issue of the medical journal Podiatry Review. According to the results of the study, the Lunula laser validated percentages of nail clearance, specific to varying levels of nail inclusion. After four treatments, the fungal infection was eradicated on 99 percent of study participants and clear nail growth was also recorded on all of these participants. Unlike conventional hot lasers used for the treatment of fungal nail infections, the Lunula laser was reported to cause no pain to the patient and no temperature change in the treated area. Lunula low-level laser therapy is administered non-invasively and efficiently in just four treatments. Using low-level laser light, it effectively eradicates fungus from the nail, nail bed and surrounding tissue. All 10 toes are treated at the same time in a 24-minute treatment.
The Foot Care Center of Santa Clarita 253-3668

Anterior Hip Replacements are Faster, Safer & Less Invasive
Imagine for a moment that you need a hip replacement. Or, maybe you don't have to play into this hypothetical; more than 285,000 Americans undergo the procedure annually. Of those, only a fraction of the procedures are performed from the anterior, or front, of the patient's body. Here are just a few reasons to consider an anterior procedure:

It's minimally invasive
There's a significant reduction in recovery time, pain and risk
Long-term benefits are superior, since a standard posterior
hip replacement leaves the area weaker and more prone to injury
There's remarkably less scarring

Dr. Alon Antebi, DO and Dr. Justin Sherfey, DO have performed over 5,000 total orthopaedic joint replacements combined, specialize in procedures that result in less pain, faster recovery and less incidence of infection, dislocation and overall complications.
Dr. Alon Antebi and Dr. Justin Sherfey 705-5100

Seniors can Beat the Heat with Hydration
Did you know that dehydration is one of the top-10 reasons for the hospitalization of older adults? It's associated with many senior health issues, including confusion, falling and constipation. And, the hotter it gets, the more prone seniors are to dehydration. The solution? Find delicious ways to make water a part of the daily routine.
For example, when taking pills, use the same glass that holds at least eight ounces of water, then drink up each time. Carry a small water bottle or keep it by a favorite chair; when the bottle's empty, get a new one! You'll get exercise just going back and forth to the kitchen! Or get creative with special "hydration libations" by adding coconut water, lemon or fruit juice to the water. Pour your libation into freezer trays and make your own popsicles. There are lots of fruits, too, with a high water content: watermelon, strawberries, grapefruit and cantaloupe taste great alone or in smoothies and they keep you hydrated without even trying!
Home Instead Senior Care for Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys 254-8701

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Hear and Connect in Amazing New Ways
Hearing devices have come a long way since the first electric hearing aid was created in 1898, making even greater strides in the last 10 years. Today's hearing aids amplify sound more precisely, all but eliminate feedback and filter out background noise. Now, with the launch of Oticon's Opn, users are experiencing a more natural listening experience than ever before while becoming increasingly connected to technology that helps them manage their everyday world.
Oticon's new hearing device builds on their patented BrainHearing technology, which delivers a natural listening experience with less listening effort and better speech understanding. Although the ears are responsible for collecting sound and converting it into electrical impulses, it's the brain which ultimately makes sense of it. Like muscles which atrophy when they aren't being used, the auditory pathways between our ears and brain can atrophy, too. The longer hearing loss goes untreated, the harder the brain must work to understand the messages it's receiving. This can cause mental fatigue, leading to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. BrainHearing supports the brain and reduces listening strain.
The foundation of Opn is technology that tackles the biggest challenge of many hearing aid wearers: understanding speech in noisy environments. Oticon is taking a novel approach in noisy environments where more than one person is talking. Most hearing instruments rely on advanced directional microphone technology that focuses amplification towards the front of the wearer, assuming the speech they want to hear is in front of them, and suppresses other speakers. The new Opn allows wearers to hear the multiple speakers around them just as someone who's not wearing hearing aids would.
For several years, the lines between hearing aid technology and consumer electronics have been blurred with hearing aids doubling as sophisticated personal listening devices for television, MP3 players, mobile phones and more. With hearing loss no longer being seen as only for the elderly, younger, tech-savvy consumers are demanding more from their hearing aids. With the ability to connect to the If This Then That Network (IFTTT) via a smartphone app called Oticon ON, Opn can help you automatically trigger your home's lighting, security system or smart thermostat. You can even program your hearing aids to let you know when someone is at your door or start the brew cycle for your morning coffee!
Nola Aronson's Advanced Audiology 425-9330

An important part of maintaining good health is knowing your body well enough to recognize when something just isn't right. If you're experiencing prolonged, out-of-the-ordinary symptoms like coughing bouts, shortness of breath, lingering pain and discomfort or any mysterious lumps, you should see your doctor promptly for evaluation.
Cary Presant, MD, in the Department of Medical Oncology & Theraputics Research at City of Hope recommends five tests every man age 55 and under needs to take, whether experiencing specific symptoms or not.

1. Skin cancer check Men who have a family history of skin cancer and those who have moles - particularly moles that change in size, color or shape - should have their skin checked annually. Primary care doctors or dermatologists can perform this exam.

2. Prostate exam This simple exam is nothing to dread and takes just a few seconds once a year. "This should be an annual examination after the age of 50, or even earlier if you have a family history of prostate cancer or if you're African-American," explains the specialist.

3. Testicular exam Many times, a testicular exam can be paired with a prostate exam in one appointment.

4. Colonoscopy It only takes about 20 minutes to complete a colonoscopy, but because you are put under light anesthesia to avoid side effects, you will need to block off at least half a day to commit to the test. The colonoscopy is a test that should be done once every five to 10 years.

5. Lung cancer screening At age 55, men who are current or former smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke should be screened for lung cancer yearly.
City of Hope Santa Clarita 799-1999;
Simi Valley 805-527-2770; Mission Hills 818-660-4700

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courtesy of Shutterstock

Should You Take Eye Supplements?
Age-related macular degeneration is a sight-threatening condition that affects the central vision and disproportionately affects older individuals. Studies have shown that ocular supplements can help slow the disease. As with all supplements, they can help fill in nutritional gaps, but can never replace a healthy diet and lifestyle.
The national eye institute sponsored two seminal studies on ocular nutrition and AMD, AREDS and AREDS2 (An age-related eye disease study.). The first study concluded that an antioxidant-rich formula does reduce progression of AMD in people who already had early to moderate signs. However, the beta carotene component of the formula increased lung cancer risk in former smokers.
AREDS2 went on to show that lutein and zeaxanthin were especially effective, but had more of an effect on progression rate in poorly-nourished individuals. It did not show any benefits in those who did not have the disease. The AREDS2 formula is now the recommended supplement for AMD, but the need for ocular supplements depends on your condition and your diet/lifestyle.
Helm Vision Group 259-3937

Take Advantage of Special
Cash Prices in May for 3D Mammograms

Dedicated to fighting breast cancer through early detection and timely treatments, the Sheila R. Veloz Breast Center, a service of Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, is offering a special cash price of $225 for digital 3D mammograms during the entire month of May. The Sheila R. Veloz Breast Center, designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR), uses GENIUS 3D mammography, a system that detects 41 percent more invasive breast cancers and reduces false positives by up to 47 percent - which translates to early detection.
"We are thrilled to be able to provide our patients with the latest technology in mammography. The 3D platform is the best available," said Terry Bucknall, director of Women's Imaging Services. "The best available tool for breast cancer detection continues to be the mammogram. Taken over time, mammograms provide a way to identify changes in breast tissue, such as the appearance of a tumor."Genius 3D mammography, the first clinically proven, superior 3D mammography approved by the FDA, allows physicians to see masses and distortions associated with cancers significantly more clearly than conventional 2D mammography.
Appointments can be scheduled Monday through Friday, including lunchtimes and into the evening, as well as some weekends, by calling. 200-1099

Five Fast Reasons to Consider Intimate Rejuvenation
1. When describing your intimate moisture levels, words like "drought" and "Sahara Desert" are commonly used.

2. Things are loose "down there," and you wish you felt like you used to prior to having babies.

3. Great run, great workout, killing it with the jump rope... but you wish your pants were dry!

4. You start to wonder if they make Botox and Juvederm for lady parts; you ponder if it might be time to rub some antiaging serum down there just to see what happens.

5. You know that none of these topics are fun or truly funny, but they are a part of life - and you'd rather talk about them with women who understand and have years of experience treating issues just like yours.
Aesthetic Center of Santa Clarita 312-0497

Available at WAX by Heather Nelson
Available at WAX by Heather Nelson

Feel Fine with FUR
Few things in life are certain, but "hair down there" is one of them. FUR is the first line of products that cares for your most intimate mane. No more ingrowns, bumps, or irritation - these 100-percent natural, made-in-the-USA products treat your most sensitive area with respect.
Available at WAX by Heather Nelson. 644-4346
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