Healthy & Happy
December, 2017 - Issue #159
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courtesy of Shutterstock

Holidays can Hurt!
Carving a turkey. Balancing at the top of a ladder. Taking heavy pans out of the oven. The holidays are ripe for opportunity for injury - which means you should have info on your preferred urgent care provider at the ready.

Cuts and other broken-skin injuries are especially common this time of year. Here's a handy guide to consider when determining whether your injury warrants a trip to urgent care - or if you should just clean, treat and protect the wound before moving onto Round Two of the eggnog!

When to head to urgent care, or, in serious cases - the ER:
• When the cut is on a cosmetically-significant area, like the face
• When the injury was made by a contaminated, very dirty or rusty object
• When you've been bitten by an animal or human
• When the wound gapes & you can't use gentle pressure to easily press edges together
• When blood flow does not quickly slow
• When the injury is on or near genitalia or on/across a joint
• When the depth of the injury exposes yellow fatty tissue or dermis

Remember: Don't remove any foreign objects, like a knife or piece of glass, that are imbedded or stuck in the wound. There's a chance that the object is preventing additional bleeding; the second it's removed, blood could flow at a remarkable rate, leading to tragic consequences.
Henry Mayo Urgent Care 200-2500

Women's Intimate Health Calls for Intimate "Woman to Woman" Conversations
Did you know that nearly half of women who had at least one vaginal birth report being concerned about vaginal laxity? It's an extremely common problem that now has a quick, painless solution: Geneveve. It's fast, totally non-invasive (No cutting!) and has a cult following because it works. The best part? Your Geneveve treatment has also been shown to markedly improve arousal, feminine moisture and intimate release. Now that's quite a bonus! "Because of societal taboos, women don't often feel safe or comfortable talking about how vaginal laxity negatively affects their lives," says Dr. Courtenay Poucher, owner of the Aesthetic Center of Santa Clarita. "That's why I encourage every woman to schedule a complimentary consultation in our all-woman office. We have created an environment where even the most uncomfortable topics can be explored and awkward questions can be answered. We're moms, we're wives, we know what you're going though because we go through it, too," says the specialist.
Aesthetic Center of Santa Clarita 312-0497

Now You can Visualize your New Smile
Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry is excited to introduce its impression-less digital technology with the iTero Element scanning unit. The iTero is more than just an intraoral scanner; it is the only scanner that allows for revolutionary TimeLapse technology, allowing you to see tooth wear, tooth movement and changes in gingival over time. The iTero Element scanner is engineered to capture an impressive 6,000 frames per second! With updated capabilities, Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry can complete a full intraoral scan in as few as 60 seconds. No more impressions - how exciting is that!? The iTero scanner uses stunning current and historical visuals to show the patient what their smile can look like before and after treatment. After a short-and-simple scan, Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry can show you a live digital representation of how your teeth can be aligned in order to improve your oral health. Call the Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry office today in order to benefit from this revolutionary impression-less technology - and to see what your beautiful smile will look like after treatment.
Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry 200-0677
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