Healthy & Happy
May, 2020 - Issue #188
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A Message from Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital
by Patrick Moody

As I write this, events related to the COVID-19 outbreak are evolving rapidly. The one constant is that Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital is committed to caring for our community. As your healthcare provider, we believe it's our duty to not only take care of our patients and their families, but also be a source of reliable information for our community. We encourage you to visit or our Facebook page regularly for up-to-date information. On our website you can also find the latest information on our visitor policies and other hospital-related information. We will always take whatever steps are necessary to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe.
It bears repeating that the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. Contact your primary care physician first if you are experiencing these symptoms, particularly if you have traveled internationally recently, or if you have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19. If your condition requires treatment in a hospital setting, your physician will refer you to Henry Mayo, in which case we are well-prepared to provide you with the highest level of care. Of course as always, if you are experiencing severe symptoms of any kind please call 911 immediately.
As a reminder, the best prevention you can take includes: washing your hands frequently with warm water and soap, or use hand sanitizer if out; cough into your elbow or a tissue; follow shelter-in-place recommendations from government authorities; and please don't go out at all if you're sick.
Finally, it has been incredibly inspiring to see the many acts of generosity and selflessness by those in our community. We recently held a blood drive at Henry Mayo, right after the American Red Cross put out an urgent appeal for blood. Due to such an overwhelming response, the Red Cross was not able to accommodate all potential donors. As of this writing, further blood drives are scheduled. We've also received many offers of donated goods and services. We are very grateful and touched by our community's generous spirit. It is our honor and privilege to serve the Santa Clarita Valley.
Patrick Moody is the Director of Marketing, Public Relations and Community Engagement at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. To learn about other ways to support our not-for-profit hospital, please visit

Stay on Track with Your Dental Treatments
Did you know your teeth are always on the move? Throughout your lifetime, your mouth will grow, shift and change, which can affect the alignment of your teeth. Without proper care, teeth will move - and probably much faster than you expect!
If you or someone in your household is currently in treatment, it's absolutely critical that these dental treatments stay on track. We want to ensure your treatment time isn't extended unnecessarily, as well as avoid any complications caused by a delay. Plus, when we no longer have to socialize from a distance, you'll want your teeth to be brighter and healthier than ever - because there will be so much to smile about!
During the current health crisis, please know we're taking every precaution to ensure a safe, clean and disinfected environment for you and our employees. Although we've reduced our office hours, we're still available to see existing patents in office on an emergency basis, and we're also still accepting in-office appointments for new patients that want to start treatment. We're not only offering FREE virtual consultations, but we're also available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, via our online chat platform. Our team is here for you, and we'll get through this together!
To schedule a free virtual consultation, call 1-800-DR-SNOWS or visit the online chat platform at, and one of our Patient Care Specialists will be happy to assist you.

New Lunula Cold Laser Treats Toes Without Pain
The Lunula Laser has revolutionized the treatment of onychomycosis, a fungal condition that affects toenails and surrounding skin. Unlike conventional hot lasers used for the treatment of fungal nail infections, the Lunula laser is reported to cause no pain to the patient and no temperature change in the treated area. This revolutionary low-level laser therapy does not rely on heat; the "cold laser" utilizes two wavelengths that work differently. One kills the fungus directly by reacting with the cell wall; the other prompts an immune response to the fungus. With no detrimental effects on the skin or nail, and no surgery or recovery period necessary, this life-changing, painless treatment also has another big bonus: no more harmful side effects from oral antifungal medications. In just four treatment sessions, all ten toes are treated at the same time in a 24-minute treatment, unlike more conventional lasers where each toe is treated individually. Nearly 90 percent of patients positively respond to the treatment.
Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321
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Got Stress? Understand Cortisol
by Pat News, RNC, NP, MSN

Cortisol affects almost every organ in the body and is necessary for the body to cope with stress from illness, injury, surgery, childbirth and even "Safer at Home" orders during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cortisol increases fuel for energy production by influencing amino acids, proteins, glucose storage and healthy fatty acids in the blood.
Cortisol counteracts inflammation and allergies; maintains blood volume and blood pressure; maintains resistance to stresses such as infections, physical trauma, temperature extremes, emotional trauma; effects personality and emotional stability.
While it is simple to see the importance of cortisol to our bodies, it is also imperative to realize the effects of too much cortisol. Excess cortisol over a prolonged period of time can place you at risk for diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. High cortisol levels can result in an increase of abdominal fat, while increasing protein breakdown leading to muscle wasting and osteoporosis. Prolonged stress will also affect your immune system, hence placing you at risk for the very infection we are trying to avoid.
In order to alleviate the effects of cortisol during this very stressful time, it is important to rest adequately, exercise in moderation, wash your hands often, hydrate well with warm liquids and eliminate touching your face! Hopefully we will look back on this crisis as a time when we were more connected to our immediate family members as we ate dinner together, watched movies, played games, put together a puzzle, cleaned out our closets (finally) and made sure our neighbors were having their needs met. I wish you and your loved ones good health and many virtual hugs.
To schedule an appointment at Pat News Health Care, call 799-7000.

Self-Care takes a Front Seat
It may seem like beauty has taken a backseat since the new at-home uniform became a messy bun, no makeup and a full wardrobe of daytime pajamas. But for many women, it's actually created the opportunity to let their skin breathe, hair go natural and self-care take a front seat. As you focus more on self-care, don't forget to show some love to an often neglected or forgotten feminine area of the body.
Viveve is a globally innovative solution for vaginal laxity, intimate dryness, bladder leakage or physical discomfort during romance. This fast and painless treatment uses radio frequency technology to stimulate collagen production deeper in the vaginal wall than lasers can accomplish. By alternating hot and cool radio frequency, Viveve can make a difference after just one treatment!
That's why women from Los Angeles, Ventura County and beyond head to Santa Clarita to meet with Dr. Courtenay Poucher and her all-female team. A featured specialist on "The Doctors," Dr. Poucher has taken the groundbreaking technology of Viveve and made it accessible for women everywhere. "This is a safe space! Women of all ages and at all points of life - prebaby, postbaby, in the middle of menopause, past menopause - have these issues, but they feel very alone in their discomfort," shares Dr. Poucher. "When they come here, they find open ears, open hearts and treatments that make a world of difference."
"Our practice has been monitoring the recent updates regarding the ongoing health situation. We will continue to remain open on a virtual basis, and if you'd like to request a physical appointment for the future, please schedule a virtual phone consultation," explained Dr. Poucher.
Aesthetic Center of Santa Clarita 312-0497

Varicose Veins and Pregnancy
There are many risk factors for varicose veins and one of them is pregnancy. Women undergo significant physiological changes with pregnancy. Increased blood volume and hormonal changes cause the veins to dilate. In addition, a gravid uterus exerts downward pressure on the leg veins. Many women can develop bulging varicose veins during their pregnancy. Fortunately, these may regress once the baby is delivered. However in some women, they may remain and unfortunately, may worsen with subsequent pregnancies. This can cause leg pain, aching, cramping, fatigue, and restless legs. Fortunately, the treatment for varicose veins is very effective and minimally invasive.
Harvard and Stanford trained, double board certified surgeon, Dr. Larisse Lee focuses on the most up to date techniques to get the results you want. Our state of the art facility offers minimally invasive procedures with exceptional results.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 818-325-0400 or visit us at .
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Helping Our Seniors Cope
Reports have shown that anyone over age 40 is more susceptible to the widespread COVID-19 virus. Though it behaves much like the seasonal flu, those with underlying health conditions or compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of contracting the disease - which in many cases includes the 65-plus age group.
Dr. Steven Gambert, professor of medicine and director of geriatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, says we need to be proactive in order to stem the spread of the virus and protect ourselves. That's why the public is being asked to hold off on visits to various doctors and dentists unless absolutely essential. If you're a resident of an assisted living facility, avoid communal spaces and dining rooms. In addition, "If you haven't had a pneumonia vaccine, now is the time to get one," says Gambert. "Even if you had one in the past, ask your primary care provider if you need a newer one." Families and seniors should be alert for "atypical presentation" of COVID-19, as well. Seniors may not get a fever, but suffer a fall or forgetfulness instead, which might be a sign of infection, even if other, more common symptoms aren't in evidence. "Any reason you don't feel the same as you usually do should not be dismissed."
Home Instead Senior Care 254-8701

FREE Prescription Delivery from your Community Pharmacy
Most days, when you walk into Santa Clarita Pharmacy, you'll be greeted by Owner Fady Serour's smiling face and helpful assistance. But these days, there's nothing better than watching all your needs show up on your front porch with the beautiful convenience of home delivery. Let Santa Clarita Pharmacy take care of you from the comfort of your home - because your community medicine counter offers free delivery of prescription medications.

In the current crisis, it's the safest way to fill a prescription.
It's easier to stick to your medication routine.
Best of all - when delivered for free, it saves you money.
Santa Clarita Pharmacy 673-5101
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Thank You to Our Santa Clarita Community From
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center

It's difficult to express in words the emotions and changes we face during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Where there is uncertainty and fear, there are also stories of inspiration, hope and triumph. Our hospital caregivers continue to rise above the challenges with grace and compassion. Please reflect for a moment and join us as we thank all our frontline and support caregivers. We are deeply thankful for their selflessness and commitment to keep our communities well.
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center has been serving the Santa Clarita and San Fernando Valleys since 1961, providing excellent, whole person care for nearly six decades. While COVID-19 is new to us, treating infectious disease is not. There have been challenges and complexities, and in response, we have been quick to develop solutions partnering with local and national organizations.
From the onset of the outbreak, we have been working with the LA County Department of Public Health, exchanging resources and knowledge with other community hospitals and adapting to new and evolving clinical information as it becomes available to us. We have rolled out a proactive plan in anticipation of a region-wide increase in COVID-19 cases and are ready to expand our capabilities and hospital beds should the need arise. In all this uncertainty, please know that we are prepared and we are here for you, just as we have always been.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you - our community. Thank you for helping us care for you, for entrusting your loved ones to our care, and thank you for the amazing outpouring of support we've received. So many of you - individuals, businesses and local organizations - have shared messages of kindness and words of encouragement to lift us up, provided packaged meals for caregivers and donated PPE to ease the global shortage. In these moments of crisis, moments that define us, our community has come together to rise to the challenge together. We will overcome this together.
We are committed as ever to do our work in a way that supports our communities. We hope that you and your loved ones are well. Please stay safe and connected.
Visit to learn more about Providence's COVID-19 resources, including a free online assessment tool, virtual appointment scheduling and more.
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