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Preserving History: A Gift that will Last Lifetimes
The holidays are a wonderful opportunity to sit down with the most senior members of your family to learn more about them and craft gift that will last their lifetime and the lifetime of generations to come: a family journal.
It's an ideal way to connect generations and for seniors to share stories from their youth that may have never been told before. It's also a way to remind adult children of their roots and hear personal stories that will connect them to historical events that they can eventually pass down to their kids.
You can start simply, just by writing down memories that they describe in a notebook. You might even go on a treasure hunt in that old dusty shoebox for family pictures that were taken at the time those memories were made. To help you do this, there are memory books online that will guide you through the process, like "Story of my Life: A Workbook for Preserving your Legacy" or "Memories for my Grandchild: A Keepsake to Remember." Many of these even include sections for family trees and favorite family recipes.
Get everyone involved in creating this journal. Start family discussions around the holiday dinner table, ask questions, let your loved ones reminisce about how they used to spend their Saturday afternoons or what going to the movies was like "way back then." In the words of an experienced journaling teacher, "...they begin to see the beauty and uniqueness that their life has represented." And what a beautiful gift that is!
Home Instead Senior Care for Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys 254-8701
What to Consider when Visiting Older Family Members this Season
If you are visiting with older family members this holiday season, consider whether they'd benefit by hiring a caregiver. Since most seniors want to age in place at home, they may be reluctant to move in with a family member or to an assisted-living facility. In-home care can be a better option.
Professional caregivers provide the care seniors need - day or night - in the comfort of home. Everyday tasks can become challenging and frustrating for seniors with physical and medical issues. Professional caregivers from Visiting Angels can handle these daily responsibilities with support and companionship. Angels can assist with activities like meal preparation, errands and shopping, light housekeeping, personal care such as shower assistance, companionship, safety monitoring and fall prevention. If you need help keeping your family member safe, comfortable and cared for at home, it may be time for an Angel.
Visiting Angels 263-2273
The Gift that Gives Back with Every Smile
Do you or someone you love want to ask Santa for a beautiful smile this holiday season? If so, now's the perfect time to change smiles - and lives! Dentures give the confidence and functionality of your own perfect smile. Custom designed to fit your mouth on site, today's dentures are natural looking and incredibly comfortable. Straighten teeth in less than a year with Invisalign - and no one will know! The invisible aligners are effective and convenient - remove them for eating, oral hygiene and more. No matter what your smile needs are, prioritizing care during the holidays makes for a more-confident and joyful 2023!
Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry 259-4474
The Sweat Shack to Host Wildly Popular
12 Days of Christmas Gifting Event
If you've ever visited The Sweat Shack in Old Town Newhall and Saugus during their 12 Days of Christmas gifting event, you know that the deeply-discounted products and services draw a crowd - and with good reason!
Each day, The Sweat Shack announces their daily 12 Days of Christmas deal on Facebook and Instagram - and they're good. While exactly what deals are offered in '22, and on which days, is a well-protected secret, we know from past years that you can do the majority of your holiday shopping (And all of your self-care planning for '23!) during this 13-day event that runs December 12 to December 24.
Last year, we bought a 10-pack of services and gave one to each of our kids' teachers; a sauna + Cold Plunge combo for the White Elephant game at work; and - this was our fave - an annual membership for ourselves. Discounts on what we bought ranged from 25 percent to 50 percent off regular prices.
The trick to getting the very best offers: Following The Sweat Shack in Santa Clarita on social. You can find their Instagram at thesweatshack_scv and The Sweat Shack SCV on Facebook. Both Santa Clarita locations offer easy parking, so you can be in and out lightning fast.
The Sweat Shack 678-0880
"Planning on catching up on end-of-year dental appointments over holiday break - like nearly everyone else? As patients grow closer to losing 2022's dental coverage, the demand for appointments goes up exponentially. Your favorite family dental office doesn't want to push your appointment to 2023 - so do everyone a favor and call today to get on their schedule. And if your week's just too packed, partner with an office that provides Saturday appointments." Dr. Marvin Tong, DDS 268-6284
Winter is a Great Time to Take Care of your Legs
Varicose and spider veins are a common problem found in approximately 25 percent of the population. A common misconception is that they tend to occur only in older patients and women. In reality, they can be found in men and women of any age. Heredity and pregnancy are other risk factors for venous disease.
Spider and varicose veins occur more in the legs because we stand or sit for prolonged periods of time. We make the leg veins work much harder than in any other part of our body. Leg veins normally carry blood back from the feet to the heart. Vein valves keep blood flowing in one direction.
However, in many people, the valves and veins become abnormal and allow blood to flow backwards towards their ankles. This is called venous reflux. This then exerts pressure on the surface skin veins that bulge out. If left untreated, this can result in leg pain, restless legs, itching, cramping, swelling, ankle discoloration and thickened skin. Ultimately, it can cause open wounds or ulcers at the ankles. Left untreated, this may lead to more serious medical issues.
Unsightly spider veins can be erased with sclerotherapy, where a chemical is injected into the fine veins that causes them to seal and disappear. For venous reflux, invasive surgical vein stripping is no longer necessary. The abnormal veins can be closed using endovenous catheter ablation which is a minimally-invasive treatment. All of these can be done safely and comfortably in the office, with minimal downtime afterwards.
At the LA Vein Center, Dr. Larisse K. Lee, a board-certified vascular surgeon, offers all of these treatments. If needed, her office performs an in-house ultrasound evaluation so a rapid diagnosis can be made. They evaluate every patient thoroughly and tailor a treatment plan according to the individual's needs, accepting Medicare and most major PPO insurance.
The Painless Fungal Nails Solution
If you have fungal nails, you know that past treatments could be messy, painful... and ineffective. The Erchonia Lunula Laser is a revolutionary low-level laser therapy bringing new hope to people suffering from Fungal Nails (onychomycosis). Antifungal topicals have a low success rate, requiring application daily for one year and oral antifungals are known to potentially cause problems with your liver. The Lunula Laser is safe, effective and is the first and only non-thermal laser to receive FDA 510(k) Market Clearance for new clear nail growth. Lunula Laser poses none of the risks and harmful side effects of thermal lasers and is painless. This laser has an FDA documented 89 percent success rate - there is no other laser with higher documented results!
Valencia Foot & Ankle Center 288-2321