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Give Yourself a New Reason to Smile in the New Year
Is a fresh, bright, straight and healthy smile on your list of desires for the New Year?
If you feel held back by your smile, it's time to make a resolution you can really keep: prioritizing your mental health by treating your oral health.
You'd be surprised by how many people in Santa Clarita and beyond - from all walks of life - depend on dentures to give them a smile they're proud of. At Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry, we make your dentures on site so they can be entirely customized to fit your mouth and your aesthetic goals.
And with Invisalign, you can start 2023 with custom aligners - and experience the benefits of straighter teeth before the year is over. Comfort and confidence are just a phone call away.
Santa Clarita Advanced Dentistry 259-4474
Aviclear is your Acne Solution
A future without worrying about your acne could be three quick 30-minute treatment sessions away. Aviclear is the first and original FDA-cleared energy device for the treatment of mild, moderate and severe acne - and it has even longtime acne sufferers singing its praises.
AviClear specifically targets the source of the oily substance on your skin. After treatment, you will produce less oil - and your acne will get better and stay better.
Advanced Dermatology & Cosmetic Care 254-3686
Cryo Facials are the Hottest Treatments in Aesthetics Right Now
They may feel ice cold, but thanks to impressive results and celeb clients, cryo skincare is heating up. With cryo facials, the cold temps cause your blood vessels to contract and then dilate, which improves oxygenated blood flow to the surface. Your skin is left feeling refreshed and defined. Clients report reduced inflammation, acne and wrinkles as well as improvement in collagen production, skin tightening and overall luminosity. At Mend Health & Wellness, cryo facial services begin at only $65.
Mend Health & Wellness 294-7898
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Unsightly Leg Veins?
Resolve to Take Care of your Legs in '23
Many people who have spider veins may feel grateful that they aren't varicose veins, but that doesn't mean that anyone likes having discolored lines on their legs. As the name suggests, spider veins form a web of red or dark blue veins on your legs. They often worsen as a person ages, but they can occur in a person of any age.
When leg veins begin to experience extra pressure due to a blood backup, superficial spider veins can develop. The reason that the blood backup occurs is usually because of a valve issue. The valves are there to regulate the flow of blood, keeping it on a steady upwards route towards the heart. However, if a valve stops functioning or begins to malfunction by pushing blood down instead of up, the blood will inevitably begin to back up. This backed-up blood strains the veins and causes them to expand. This, in turn, makes the veins push against the skin to reveal the spider web pattern.
Spider veins can be erased with sclerotherapy. That's where a chemical is injected into the fine veins, causing them to seal and disappear.
For venous reflux, invasive surgical vein stripping is no longer necessary. The abnormal veins can be closed using endovenous catheter ablation, which is a minimally invasive treatment.
All of these can be done safely and comfortably in the office, with minimal downtime afterwards.
At the LA Vein Center, Dr. Larisse K. Lee, a board certified vascular and general surgeon, will evaluate every patient thoroughly and tailor a treatment plan according to the individual's needs.
LA Vein Center 818-325-0400
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It Might be Time to have "The Talk" with your Parents
Hopefully you had time during the holidays to catch up with family members and to enjoy the company of your loved ones. During your visit, you may have noticed some differences in the way they speak, interact and behave with others. Pay attention, as these may be signs it's time to discuss their future needs.
Having "that talk" with your parents can be very difficult, but essential, especially if one or both of them is showing signs of cognitive impairment or dementia. Many seniors who may need more help on a daily basis actually deny it for a number of reasons: fear of losing control, resistance to being parented by their children, frustration over the fact that they just can't do what they used to do.
Trying to talk someone into believing they have a problem rarely works. Just be supportive and offer solutions. For example, if your parent is having trouble paying bills, offer to take over. If they are mismanaging their medications, set up an automated pill dispenser or weekly medication box. If you have a hard decision to make regarding safety - like taking the car keys away - do what you have to to keep someone safe, but expect that the decision may be met with disbelief and anger. You may even want to call in outside caregivers to help them handle their daily activities.
It's important to know that you can't force your loved ones to accept help. You may end up needing the help of an eldercare attorney to set up Power of Attorney for both medical and financial issues. That's why "the talk" is so important now, because the longer you wait, the more difficult it may become. You can find more information on coping with the needs of your loved ones at various sources including the Alzheimer's association at alz.org or call the experts at Home Instead.
Home Instead 254-8701