A New Year's Resolution for a Pain-free 2013
January, 2013 - Issue #99
My right hip has been giving me trouble lately. I haven't even hit 40 yet - and I'm complaining about hip pain? I'm even more ashamed to admit that I've been having this problem for over two months and haven't done a thing about it.

It's go-go-go for me and just about everyone I know. I use my "pedal to the metal" mentality to get me through "today," but I'm starting to wonder what it's doing to my "tomorrow." If one of my kids complained of pain for 60 minutes, let alone 60 days, I'd make an appointment with the doctor post haste. My eldest even said as much last week. "Why haven't you had that checked out yet?" she asked.

Darn. Add "serving as a poor example to my children" to my list of ailments.

At least I'm not alone. "It's human nature to want to delay or put off tasks that are troubling to you in one way or another," shares Dr. Chace Unruh, director of the Unruh Spine Center. "You're worried about your pain and about what 'bad news' it could represent. Sometimes it just seems easier to ignore it or use the 'I'm too busy' excuse," says the chiropractor. "The problem with this practice, of course, is that there's never a better time to address health issues than 'now.' Waiting can only exacerbate the problem and, most likely, lead to unnecessary waste of energy being concerned."

He's right. I really should make an appointment about my hip - now. It could be anything. I'm suspicious that the way I walk (Flat feet!) might have something to do with my pain. Or perhaps it's that spinal curvature that, knock on wood, really hasn't bothered me before. What if it's a pinched nerve? A damaged tendon? I can't spend my day hopping from doctor's office to doctor's office, but I'm spending my nights counting ailments instead of sheep.

Turns out that I don't need to do the "multiple doctors' offices" dance. "When I created the Unruh Spine Center, my intention was to bring the 'best of the best' specialists under one roof," explains Dr. Unruh. "We have celebrated medical practitioners from both Eastern and Western philosophies here serving our community. My first goal was for all of us to work together to empower each other, offering second opinions, supplemental treatments and professional enlightenment in a way that directly benefits the care and treatment of our patients. It was very obvious very soon that this goal was fulfilled beyond my wildest dreams," says Dr. Unruh.

Lucky for me - and you! - the fusion of medical practices also means that less precious time is wasted. "What I didn't entirely foresee when creating the Unruh Spine Center was just how helpful it was to our clients to have all of these treatments and professionals in one place. The 'convenience' factor, to our clients, is almost as important as the incredible efficacy of care they receive here. Wait times are low, patient satisfaction is high and - most importantly - our clients are living happier, less-painful lives."

I'd like to be one of them. How about you?

If 2013 is your year to address nagging pain and/or loss of mobility, to regain abilities that have been sidelined because of injury, or even to maintain and improve upon general good health, don't hesitate in scheduling your first appointment with the Unruh Spine Center. Review the generous incentives found on the opposite page for both new and returning clients. Let's make 2013 a year of renewed health and vitality! 288-0022

The Unruh Spine Center's Vision for Better Health
"Working together, we have successfully treated - without a scalpel! - countless clients who were told by other doctors that surgery was the only option. As a team, we've helped both amateur and professional athletes return to the game they love, now free from prohibitive injury. We've skillfully used FDA-approved injection treatments that enable the body to heal itself with accident victims who never thought that things 'could be the same' after a crash. From newborns to seniors, we've been honored to treat and counsel thousands of our neighbors. I'm so incredibly proud of this team and all they have to offer,"~ Dr. Chace Unruh of the Unruh Spine Center
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