Santa Clarita, CA: On Tuesday, April 25, 2017, Santa Clarita Valley Committee on Aging (SCVCOA) leadership convened at the future location of the new Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center and announced that only $2.3 million additional fundraising dollars needed to be raised before construction could begin on the Center.
Now, one month later, that number has been dramatically reduced, thanks to the generosity of the Santa Clarita community.
"In the last month, the Campaign has raised an additional $555,000," reports Campaign Co-chair Peggy Rasmussen. "We're deeply grateful to each person who logged onto and donated; to the business owners who have invested in the Center and our seniors; and to the private donors who have committed to us this month. If this kind of support continues, we should be able to get 'shovels in the ground' as early as this summer."
"These generous donations get us closer to breaking ground on the 30,000-square-foot two-story center," says Kevin MacDonald, SCV Senior Center's executive director. "Now, with only about $1.75 million to go, we're redoubling our efforts and reaching out to every corner of Santa Clarita to secure the remaining funds. We're actively seeking community partnerships with philanthropic organizations, business groups, volunteer organizations and others. Interested parties or individuals can contact me directly at the SCV Senior Center."
Donations can be made online at; by writing a check to SCVCOA-Building Fund (Memo: Capital Campaign) and mailing it to 22900 Market Street, Santa Clarita, CA 91321; calling in a credit-card donation to the SCV Senior Center (661-259-9444) or working with Executive Director MacDonald to arrange gifts of stock, securities and more (661-259-9444, extension 123). Building naming opportunities, commemorative plaques and more are available and donations are tax deductible.
The 2.5-acre site of the new building can be found on Golden Valley Road in Santa Clarita and will serve SCV's growing senior population and those who love them. Exciting additions to the new Center include an expanded Adult Day Program, Health & Wellness Center, Employment and Financial Centers; Culinary Arts Kitchen; multi-purpose rooms; a "living room" with fireplace and socialization area; and much more.