I Heart SCV
Rabid Bats and Other Quiet Changes
January, 2011 - Issue #75
Whenever I flew during college, my ticket was always flagged. I would try to do the self check-in and was invariably directed to the ticket counter, where people would have to type in codes or call supervisors. Being neither a drug runner, terrorist, felon - nor any combination thereof - I found this perplexing. I'm a pro-SCV extremist, but since when is that a crime?

Then one morning I was checking in for a flight from Atlanta to LAX. The man behind the counter typed in my ticket code, pressed enter, and then smirked. He gave me the once over and asked "You're a good boy, aren't you?" Hoping I wasn't being solicited, I gave a puzzled look and replied, "I guess." He typed something else into his computer, handed me my ticket and I have never again been flagged for a flight.

From this bizarre rendezvous with airport security, I have taken the lesson that you can't always be sure what's happening in your own life. Though a big fan of the American ideal of self-determination, it's hard to deny that a lot of things can happen to you without your even realizing it. Let's look at some changes that you may not have noticed happening.
"This also serves as a reminder to be nice to those
from whom you buy line dancing clothes. Without you noticing, they may one day
be responsible for overseeing the US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE."

Buck's a Big Deal
We don't hear that many congressional names in the news: Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner, Michelle Bachman, Charlie Rangel... You'd have to listen for quite some time before you could hope to hear mention of our very own Congressman Buck McKeon. (This isn't necessarily a bad thing when you consider that it's more common to be an infamous than a famous congressman). But Buck's relative obscurity is set to change. With Republican control of the House of Representatives, he is being referred to as the presumptive Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.

It would have been hard to predict this rise to the top. SCV's old-timers may recall that Buck worked at and co-owned Howard & Phil's Western Wear, where one could buy boots and vests. He also served as mayor of Santa Clarita and on the city council, but it's something of a jump from the SCV to DC. In any case, McKeon's ascent means continued support of Santa Clarita's defense-related companies. This also serves as a reminder to be nice to those from whom you buy line dancing clothes. Without you noticing, they may one day be responsible for overseeing the US Department of Defense.

Bats with a Side of Rabies
Bats are usually the good guys when it comes to fighting disease because of their voracious appetite for insects. You might think of them as furry brown guardian angels, flying overhead and gobbling up mosquitoes that could spread West Nile Virus and other nasty bugs. But some of these angels have, in a sense, fallen. In 2010, Claritans called and reported at least 12 bats that tested positive for rabies - that's one a month! Most often, the bats were found clinging in or stumbling about someone's backyard. In one case, a Canyon Country resident's dog brought them a rabid bat it had been carrying in its mouth. (That's why you vaccinate your pets.)

Though still terrifying, rabies isn't quite what it used to be. There's the vaccine, obviously, which can help you if administered before or within about a week after exposure. A couple of individuals have also survived symptomatic rabies via an induced coma and other intensive medical interventions. That said, untreated rabies basically means death so it's easiest to just avoid it altogether. If you find a bat acting strangely around your home, call Animal Control at 257-3191.

One of the perks of taking notice of the changes going on around us is the ability to take proactive action. This is especially worth remembering in January with all the talk of resolutions, fresh starts and renewed energy. Some suggestions are in order.

Hart may not have noticed that it has fallen from its former football glory. Though they won the CIF championship five times in the past, this year they were beat by West Ranch. West Ranch! Resolve to be good again. Traffic engineers may not have noticed, but people are more irritable than ever because of poorly-synchronized lights during the morning commute. Resolve to fix them. Claritans may not have noticed, but more and more local favorites like the Do-It Center are closing their doors. Resolve to spend money at your beloved local businesses lest they meet the same fate. Finally, you may not have noticed, but you are living in Santa Clarita, a city that ain't half-bad. Resolve to heart it more.
This column is intended as satire and a (sometimes successful) attempt at humor. Suggestions, catty comments and veiled threats intended for the author can be e-mailed to
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