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Show your home some TLC this season.
We're addicted to great design - and we found the cure.
Garage floors, pet runs, backyard patio spaces, laundry rooms... they could all use flooring that's easier to clean, better looking, more sanitary and safer to use. And - in 2019 - the best choice for that is clear: the custom patented polyurea floors from ALLBRiGHT.
This month, why don't you... "tidy up" with an intentional spring cleaning?
2019 doesn't disappoint when it comes to new innovations in design and details. Your home-improvement to-do-list starts here.
Too often, what's underneath doesn't get enough time top of mind. These local furniture purveyors are changing all that with American-crafted pieces that are as comfortable as they are attractive.
You probably already have a standard set of resolutions for the New Year that affect your happiness and health... now it's time for resolutions for your home.
Open your doors with confidence this year, dear host with the most. You've got this! We're here to help.
They say that first impressions matter the most, which is why we suggest going for big, noticeable - and quick to execute - home improvements that don't set the budget back.
We love the idea of Southern living - energetic, colorful prints coupled with laid back style - in the comfort of our Santa Clarita homes. Here's a few of our favorite things.
Metallic finishes are so hot, they're cool - and these fine finds can all call your address home before your guests plug your digits into Waze.
It's a tale as old as time - there are beautiful, and beastly, aspects of maintaining a home. This month, we pick two of each. Consider this your yin/yang of SCV living.
Feeling smart? Clever ways to improve your space.
Santa Clarita is one of the safest cities in the nation and, don't get us wrong, we really love it here. But we'll admit, on occasion, to wishing that "Sand" Canyon was the sort that came with ocean-front views. Want SCV life to be just a little more beachy? It's all about changing your perspective.
It seems like summer in the SCV never ends - until, usually abruptly, it does. No, we're not battling the snow-pocalypses of the north east, but yeah - it gets kinda-sorta cold here sometimes, too. Ready to do battle against all things chilly? An ounce of prevention, in this case, is worth at least a handful of degrees of cure come November.
New updates, rejuvenated spaces, improved function - this is the summer of "get it done" - and here's how to do it.
A little luxury can go a long way. Here are our favorites.
Ready to spice things up this spring? These on-trend home improvements will put that proverbial pep in your step, thanks to bold colors, keep-it-forever quality and more.
Your home is your castle - but does it in any way resemble one? Add a few royal additions for a look that puts a little luxury in your life.
Sometimes it makes sense to wait to see how a trend plays out. Get ready to bounce off the couch and into these businesses, because these beautiful trends aren't budging.
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