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Congratulations! We've lived though the holidays once again. This season, I had the most interesting conversations with absolute strangers. I made a point of starting up dialogue with other women shoppers while standing shoulder to shoulder in those eternally-long checkout lines. As I listened as women shared their stories, common themes emerged. For the most part, they talked about husband stress, shopping stress, buying stress and kid stress.
Regular Dental Visits can Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke

Recent studies show that the association between heart disease and gum disease is at least as strong as the linkage of heart disease to cholesterol, body weight and smoking. New research shows that common bacteria found in dental plaque may enter the blood stream through gums and clump together on the walls of these blood vessels.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is considered a backbone approach in the field of psychotherapy. Personally, I think the human condition chooses this approach to life as naturally as they choose eating and sleeping. It's based on the belief that how one thinks determines to a large degree how one feels and behaves. Thus, our thoughts produce feelings, our feelings produce emotions, our emotions produce actions, and our actions produce habits. So emotional distress - a bad day, bad week, bad month - is often the natural result of our irrational thoughts or beliefs.
Cerec 3D Crowns can Now be Obtained in One Visit
Cerec 3D is a computerized milling machine which can fabricate a tooth colored-crown or other dental restoration in less than 20 minutes. Tooth-colored restorations mean no more silver fillings or discolored smiles. The restoration is natural looking, compatible with mouth tissue, anti-abrasive and plaque resistant. There is no need for temporaries or impressions that must be sent to a lab. Because of this, the traditional second visit has been eliminated. Only 7.5 percent of the dentists in the United States offer this technology.
Children crave and thrive on interaction, one-on-one time and lots of eye contact. A child's social, emotional and academic life begins with the earliest conversations between parent and child; the first time your baby locks eyes with you, the quiet smile you give your child and they smile back... Your child is speaking to you all the time. It's just a matter of learning how to listen and the biggest opportunity comes through play.
When shopping for toys for children this holiday season, don't forget to consider safety issues, too. There are concerns such as the risk of choking on small parts, strangulation from toys with long strings or cords, and falls from riding toys like wagons and skateboards. Of course, lead-based paint and magnets are hazardous when ingested. If you're unsure of the toy's quality, it's better to err on the side of caution.
Most of us think of disasters as large, catastrophic events over which we have little, if any, control. This is not true. By planning and preparing for disaster before it strikes, you can control how a disaster affects you and your family.
Carpe Deim - Latin for seize the day! I wonder how we can seize the day if we don't know who we are. Just what are we seizing if we haven't spent anytime getting to know ourselves?

The identity of one's self and the time we take to reflect on our identity is crucial for all of us. How can we be expected to have relationships with other people and understand who they are without truly knowing ourselves? We can't; which is why it's such an important part of growth - understanding, recognizing and creating an identity that is all our own.
Throughout the human life cycle, female breasts are many things to many people. To a baby, they are often a vital source of nutrition and comfort. To a toddler, they may be "those things on Mommy's chest that she feeds the baby with." To an adolescent girl, they can gleefully represent the long-anticipated proof of her budding womanhood. To most warm-blooded males, they "stand for" the most alluring pair of appendages Mother Nature ever invented.
To millions of Americans, summertime means outdoor activities spent soaking up the sun's rays and working on a tan. While the immediate outcome of such sun exposure may be attractive, the long-term dermatological damage is often far from pretty. The fact is, excessive sun exposure speeds up the skin's deterioration and aging process and can lead to even darker consequences.
Picture this: Beautiful, sexy, vibrant legs. The "knockout" kind of legs that "sing" to onlookers. I'm talking million-dollar pins, like the ones Betty Grable had - gorgeous, silky gams that made soldiers dream of their sweethearts back home and women of all ages rush out to buy stiletto heels. While such perfect legs must surely be a joy to have, not every gal is blessed with them. For owing to one's genes, body shape and lifestyle the blueprints for legendary legs aren't always included with the package.
Whether it's your screaming child in the grocery store, your young child who won't stop bugging you to buy something during a trip to the mall, or your teenager who's defensive because he was caught coming in after curfew, we all run into the moment of engagement: that brief period of time when a particular situation has escalated and we have to make a decision. The experience feels a bit like looking at a movie in slow motion. Surroundings fade to black and it's just you, your child and the moment of truth. What to do?
We all have them; those ideas, beliefs or desires, "the shoulds" that we consciously or subconsciously hold onto as priorities for how we think the issues in our lives should unfold. These are the idols in our hearts. This can include how we think our children should be, which in turn affects how we parent them. If we're holding in our heart some idol or belief it often controls how we view our children and may set up unrealistic expectations for our relationships with them. A friend of mine is a mother of twins and we were recently discussing a book we had both read: "Idols of the Heart" by Elyse Fitzpatick.
It's the beginning of that eight-week rush to the holiday season. Thanksgiving is almost here. As parents we're gearing up for the mad dash that happens starting in November and ending New Year's Day when we finally collapse out of breath, out of patience, out of time and usually out of money. And what do our children see as they watch this frantic dash? They see us get more and more frustrated at the implied attitude that not enough is being done. What they pick up from us is that they need to get more, get bigger, get better, do more and be busier. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Where have all the sound-minded parents gone? What are we teaching our kids year-round? I believe the holidays simply exaggerate what's going on all year in many homes all across America.
The other night my youngest son and I were watching the movie "Bringing Down the House." It's a comedy about a woman wrongly convicted of a crime who develops an internet relationship with a lawyer. Long story short, she ends up, for a brief period of time, as the nanny for his young son and teenage daughter. There's a scene where the nanny goes to rescue the daughter from a bad party experience, brings her home and then tells her dad what happened. Of course he freaks out. The nanny explains that freaking out in front of his daughter is unacceptable. This is one of those crucial life moments.
When I was growing up, nobody in my neighborhood had ever heard of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD). There was the occasional kid who couldn't seem to sit still but their parents labeled them as "busy" and they were sent to play outside to work off the excess energy. Today, almost everyone has heard of ADHD and nearly every parent knows a child diagnosed with it. But even with all the information and literature, ADHD can still be complicated to diagnose and difficult to understand.
There are many children who will suffer from diabetes regardless of their activity level or eating habits (about one in 500), but this article is for all the kids who have or who are at risk for Type 2 diabetes - the kind that preys on the obese and inactive. In 1976, seven percent of children ages 6 to 11 were obese. In 2000, 15.3 percent of children were obese, according to the American Obesity Association. Think about your own childhood. Was soda as readily available?
Last September I wrote about my college-bound son heading off down the road less traveled and how much emotion was attached to that transition. I actually thought after my youngest left there was a hole in my gut and the only thing substantial to fill it would be one more hug from him. I confess I kept his bedroom door shut so his smell stayed in the room and I would randomly open the door, take a big gulp of "Zack" and start crying. Well, he's successfully navigated the big freshman year and he and his older brother are both home from their respective colleges for the summer.
If your sunscreen bottle is just as full in September as it is today, your kids might have missed summer, and the opportunity that comes along with it: summer is a fresh chance to make great changes. A client of mine said that her biggest regret with her children is that she didn't show them how to be physically fit. Since her priority was not fitness, her children's priorities were not, either.
We can't really know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure. It's easy to be kind, calm and collected when everything is going well, but how about when things aren't going so well? How about when we don't feel well? When money is tight? When the kids are all acting up at the same time? When we've had no rest and our pride won't let us ask for help?
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