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Give Yourself the Gift of Health with the LapBand
For some people, diet and exercise alone just don't work. Obesity is outpacing smoking as the largest cause of preventable death in the United States. The LapBand System is a minimally-invasive procedure that will help you lose weight permanently and safely. Health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure can be alleviated with weight loss.
The empty chair at holiday dinners can cause enormous pain. Whether it's your 1st, 10th or 50th year without your loved one, holidays are sad reminders of those we have lost.
Give Water Fitness a Try
Resistance is a key factor in improving strength and cardiovascular fitness. Compared to exercise on land, the same level of fitness can be attained in up to half the time! Water can be from four to 44 times more resistant than air, depending on how hard you work.
Human touch can be a powerful catalyst for producing reactions. When touch takes the form of therapeutic massage, really good things can start to happen - and we're not just talking about physical pleasure. There are many medically-proven head-to-toe health benefits from massage.
Weight Loss: Science-proven Ways to Speed Up your Metabolism
Countless dieters try to eat as little as possible in an attempt to reduce their body fat, but in reality they are only further slowing their metabolism and weight-loss progress. There are three main components to your metabolism.
Uh oh. Summer is almost over and you're still sporting the winter "padding" you'd planned to shed. Don't worry. Local medical, beauty, and exercise experts are ready to help you slim down, gain strength, and become healthier and happier for the rest of your life.
From a clean scalp to happy feet, this months Health Notes feature is chock-full of helpful tips...
Kids' Oral Health Check Up Q & A
"Oh, my aching back." How many times have you said that? Probably one time too many.
You can Look 10 Years Younger in Minutes
Minor procedures including Botox injection for wrinkles, as well as fillers such as FDA-approved Restylane or Juvederm to plump up the lips or correct wrinkles can make you feel years younger in less than an hour.
Summer. Bare feet. Sandals. They just go together, right?

But if you have ugly or embarrassing foot problems, you'd probably rather wear boots.
Healthy Lifestyle Decreases Chance of Stroke
Among cardiovascular disease, stroke is a leading cause of illness and death worldwide. In 2005, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 5.7 million deaths were due to stroke. WHO states that at least 80 percent of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided through healthy diet, regular physical activity and avoiding tobacco smoke.
Face it. You don't have the time to cultivate a rich, deep tan - and even if you did, you'd end up looking like a bronzed raisin. Thank you, global warming!
Start getting Ready for Summer Now
to come into being by growth
gracefully spare; forceful and simple
The Heart of the Matter of Exercise
The most important benefit of exercising is the strength and health of the most vital muscle in your body - your heart. Cardiovascular exercise is any type of exercise that increases the work of the heart and lungs.
Painless Laser Hair Removal is Possible
Electrolysis, once a popular procedure for permanent hair removal, is invasive, tedious, partially effective and can result in scarring or post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation. Although laser hair removal has been widely practiced for over a decade, most physicians offer outdated laser equipment and treatments are painful and results are only marginally effective; but there is an alternative.
Is this "your" year? The year you finally drop those pounds you put on during your pregnancy/her pregnancy/Christmas '06? The year you decide to bite the bullet and see a chiropractor/laser eye doctor/acupuncturist/hair colorist? If your 2009 looks anything like ours, this will be a time of looking inwards and making personal care a higher priority. And if that maintenance just happens to result in a finer looking exterior, well, that's OK by us, too. No matter what self improvement's on your list for '09, chances are that there's a Santa Clarita pro who can help you achieve it.
Groom Your Glutes
It is crucial to include activities that work the gluteus maximus (butt) muscles into your exercise routine. This muscle burns fat, increases testosterone and releases growth hormone.
Acupuncture for Prevention
Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can prevent colds and flu by building up the immune system. Specific points along the energy pathways, or meridians, are known for strengthening the circulation of blood and energy and for consolidating the outer defense layers of the skin (Wei Qi) so that germs and viruses cannot enter through them.
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